Part 2: Somewhere safe

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A/N: Sorry for the late update it's almost been a month and I'm so sorry but here it is chapter two. Enjoy!

{Chapter two}


"Get away from me!" Delilah's cries of fright bleed his ears as she clambered as much as she possibly could away from the demon boy. Her fingers were quivering, her breaths were picking up speed.

Isaac just stared down at her from the mattress in complete and utter amusement as his dark brows sprung and a smile stretched on his features from ear to ear.

Once Delilah's uneasy figure collide against the wall, her fingers went to pull back her loose strands of hair from blocking her sight in the motel room and the stranger who glanced at her as if she were the last delightful piece of meat on the entire world.

But for some odd reason her body and breathing froze once she stroked her cheeks all her senses felt was liquid. Some kind of sticky substance that flooded her cheeks and raced down her neck. She pulled her hand back and about her vision, causing another ear piercing scream to flee her lips, the ones which seemed as the cracks that fall upon the grounds of the Mojave Desert.Bl ood. Was the only word that could describe and acknowledge what laid on her flesh. Its Crimson substance seemed more than enough to make a person pass out.

Her chest rattled once more as sobs left her throat. "W-who are you? And what am I doing here? What did you do to me?"

He wouldn't allow her gaze to detach from his, because like his mother told him once long ago, it's always better to look at people dead in the eyes once speaking to them or being spoken to. But other than that he just wanted to speculate her body in ways he never was allowed to with her slumbering at the time.

He stepped off of the bed, squatting cautiously in front of the frightened girl.

"You were in a bad place, I just had to take you. I had to protect you," Isaac whispered as he even believed his own outrages words and held her chin in between his fingertips.

She shoved her face away from his grasp and curled herself up in a ball. Huddling her knees to her chest and her head as well. It seemed as if her mind was going crazy. As if she were in a nightmare which never was able to escape from.

All she thought of at the time was what took place that night. The evening which she disobeyed her parents and went with her instincts.

If only I would have thought with my brain.

If only I would have stayed at home waiting for the mail like I usually did.

She thought to herself as tears burned its way down to her cheeks.

He sighed deeply as he reckoned her negative action and paced down towards her as his arms wrapped around her shivering body making poor Delilah scream once more.

She forced him away and hid her face from the monster every living creature was afraid of. He was more than just disgusted by her acts causing him to wrap his broad arms around her bare waist. But it wasn't long before there was a knock at the door that both of their limbs froze from frustration. At that moment she felt relieved but he felt worried. Delilah still believed she was somewhere in the house were the party which her friend invited her took placed, but I guess she was the only one to assume that at the moment as well as someone coming to her rescue.

She held up the courage to throw her weak self away from his grasp and crawl towards the door which was being knocked on by so human she thought would help her.

"Help me! Help me please!" She yelped in vulnerable pain as his familiar hands crawled back up to her waist, he felt so ice cold just so numb and his fingers seemed like the legs of a spider enmeshing up their prey, ready for their divine dinner.

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