Part 20 : Father

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{Chapter Twenty}

The lit up fireplace illuminated and reflected upon the features of a strange worried man who paced back and forth with his tan hands behind his back. Delilah's body quivered in endless cycles of panic as the man before her inched to her side.

"Stay away from me!" She screamed in a desperate plead.

      He cleared his raspy throat. "Look, I sent Isaac to bring you to me," He announced, those words become venom to her ears.

     Her heart sank, this couldn't be true, Isaac couldn't have betrayed her like that. She had trusted him, but then again he did kidnap her. She was crushed physically and mentally.

      Her breath got caught in her throat. "NO, that's not true!"

A solid frown appeared on his lips. "Isaac please come here." Footsteps followed his monotone voice and the figure of the most wanted delinquent appeared next to the strange mans'.

"Did I sent you to bring me Delilah Lancaster?" He questioned with serious eyes.

      Isaacs gaze trailed away from the stares of others. "Yes, Sr." Delilah's world crashed down in fragments before her. She was living a nightmare, one which she couldn't wake up from because it was the reality.

       "NO!" She sobbed.

      The man before her paces towards her frail whimpering body.

       "Who are you?!"

       A lopsided smile grew onto the man's thin lips. "I am your biological father Delilah," He stated, but she struggled against the withholding of the men restraining her.

       "No, you're lying." Her chapped lips quivered.

      He sighed profusely as he brought to her vision a sheet of paper he pulled from his suit pocket. It was a copy of her birth certificate and the names of  Gerald Bennet and Rosalind Edwards signed under.

        "That can be fake, you're lying!" She screamed, refusing to accept possible lies this man, this Gerald Bennet had to say. She refused to believe a man who she has just meet against her own will.

      His teeth gritted. "Delilah I am your father, accept that." His hands held tight onto her already bruising shoulders. More sobs seeped from her lips as her body rattled.

        "Why now? Why do you want to meet me now? Why did you take me away from my parents?" Her eyes were glossed over by the tears.

       "There are people trying to kill you, I took you away from them because I needed to protect you," He said, releasing his rough grip on Delilah.

     She laughed dryly, swallowing back the tears. "Why would people be after to kill me! I've never met you before, how could you possibly care about me? You are the one that gave me away in the first place!"

      He straightened his tall figure. "I do care for y-"

       "No, you don't!" She barked back.

        "Let's skip the bullshit, why are people after to kill me?" She asked and blinked back the tears this cold-hearted man, this man who gave her away didn't deserve to encounter.

      He wiped his face in frustration as he paced back and forth. "I don't have to explain anything to you when I fix the problem I'll let you go now for the meantime you will stay here," He announced.

       She struggled against her restraint, grunts of discomfort and pain fleeing her lips. "NO! You can't keep me hostage, let me go!"

      Gerald's eyes reddened in anger. "You will do as I say so, you will stay here and that's the end of discussion. Steve, Christoph take her to the guest room. Don't let her out under any circumstances." He ordered in an aggressive voice, vein appearing on his neck.

       The buff men dragged her struggling body, the last thing her eyes saw was a hunched over Isaac. She was pulled down a long hall, down a set of steep stairs, and into a room. A wide room with a queen sized bed at the center. The men roughly tossed her in, with that slamming shut the door behind them as keys and locks clicked after the other, an estimate of five clicks. Delilah sobbed and punched the door with all her mighty, but it was useless. She was sick of it all, sick of the life she had been living for a few months. She was living a life filled with pain, suffering, and constant wounds that never had the time to heal due to more affliction. She laid her head into the crock of her boney knees as more cries bleed from her throat. She wanted to be home, she wanted to see her best friend Naomi, her parents, and her little brother. But she well knew she left that life behind the day she decided to go to that party. That was a life she was never going to get back to and she knew that well.

All she could do now was stay alive and attempt to escape. Even though it's failed before, she was never going to give up, she was determined to never stop fighting because it was the only thing she had left. She wiped the tears that burned her cheeks away and got on her feet. She wasn't going to sit and wait for her rescuer because there was none. If this Gerald claimed to be her Father, what was the worst he could do to her if she attempted to escape?

Nothing she hadn't already experienced.


Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the short chapters, but I'm trying to update this story regularly again. Also I'm motivated to update due to the fact that there ads so many new readers and people adding this story to their reading lists! I appreciate so fudging much and with all my heart. I also hope you guys keep reading and enjoying this story. Till the next update.


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