Part 27: Screams of the wind

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Chapter 27


     I shifted and turned as the howling of the wind became louder and the sound of branches hitting the window became violent. I tried my best to avoid it but I could hear the sound of the wind turning into screams, into cries for help. With that, I jolted up from bed, beads of sweat rushing down my forehead. I swore I could hear them calling out my name.

     I slowly stood from the mattress, avoiding movement as best I could, not wanting to wake Lucy. With that, a sharp pain shot up my stomach, and a gulp formed in my throat, next thing I knew I was running to the bathroom then holding onto the toilet seat as I purged out all the contents from dinner. My head was ringing as it went on for what it felt like minutes until there wasn't any more to dispose of. The taste of metal was fresh in my mouth, shivers crawling up my skin.

      I tried brushing and rinsing the taste from my tongue but it still lingered. Hoping water would help, I quietly walked to the kitchen, the shadows playing tricks with my brain. The silhouette of the trees seemed like those of real people who shadowed over and consumed me.

       I shook off the feeling and rubbed a hand over my face. It was nothing, there was nothing to worry about. I took in a few profuse breaths, slowly exhaling through my nose as I opened the fridge, the light that cast out making the shadows I was seeing vanish.

      It was all the tension that had built up, everything was new to me and the feeling of denial was numbing me mentally. I was safe, the more that I said it to myself though, the more I denied it but I was being silly because I was really safe. I took in as much water as I could, enough to distract my train of thought. The taste of bile finally subsided as well as the lump that seized my throat, I put the jug back in the fridge, as soon as I closed it, a towering broad-chested figure caused my stomach to drop and a scream to leave my throat.

      I jumped back, trying to reach for anything I could find, anything I could use to defend myself, but the lights of the kitchen turned on. It wasn't a mass murderer, It was a worried-looking Anthony whose sleep had been wiped away with my reaction.

     "I'm sorry, you scared me," I sighed in relief, my hand still holding onto my chest.

      He rubbed his head where a scar was visible, one that I didn't notice till now, it was big, running from his ear to the crown of his head. The color around it was pink and tender, not fully healed yet.

       "It's okay Delilah."

       I tried composing myself as I held onto the counter, steadying my figure.

    "Couldn't sleep huh?" He said, reaching into the fridge for some milk. He grabbed a glass.

      "You could say that," I muttered.

     "Would you like anything to drink, milk or tea?" He asked, concern still fresh on his features.

      I didn't like to bother, but the one thing that was going to calm me was some tea and the mention of it was too good to let pass.

      "Tea please."

     He nodded, putting a kettle with water to boil.

     "I know it's not in my place to ask but are you scared you are still being followed?"

     I hesitated, breath catching itself in my throat, I nodded. His hand reached my shoulder over the counter in a comforting manner but it being the touch of a man had me unintentionally flinch, he noticed my discomfort and pulled away.

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