Part 9: Blood Bath

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This chapter includes scenes with SEXUAL ASSULT !!! Please don't read if it is a sensitive topic for you. I don't want my readers to feel uncomfortable reading my story. I want reading for you guys to be a getaway, an escape from the world. I don't want it to trigger you guys or bring distress. Without further ado read at your own risk!!!

{Chapter Nine}

"Hel-," The man's cold palm fell down onto her lips, which prevented her from pleading for salvation.She shifted under the stiff and broad body until something cold and a very keen object was pressed against her pale neck in warning.

"If you dare move I will not hesitate to harm you." He said in a forewarn tone which made her spine crawl and the hairs on her neck to rise.With the knife on her neck, he paced back towards a place which seemed like the back of the store, which was nothing more than absolute darkness which separated them from the world

Shock and fear were all that overwhelmed over her body. Her limbs were gelid. She knew exactly that there was no escape now.

What was the point?

He tackled her body to the ground causing pain to slither like an untamed snake down her already weak back as he hovered over her body and proceeded to slip down her undergarments in a swift movement. She knew now by the sound of a belt unbuckling and a zipper sliding down that the only thing she had left was going to be taken away from her. She sobbed and cried out in pain which just ended with the knife chafing her skin and the demon himself ball up their fist and strike at Delilah's already weak face. His palm tightens on her mouth as her words for pleading became muffled causing tears to blur her vision.

"Come on sweetheart you're going to enjoy it...and if you don't I still will," He cackled and slid down his jeans. All Delilah could do was stare down at the sickening male in fear.

She loathed letting this happen, something she frightened most in the world after getting kidnapped. But her existence was on the line and one wrong move could cause her life. But at the thought of it, she'd prefer to die than go through this so she began to kick and thrash under the rough body which hovered over her like a copper statue. Her screams were muffled, nothing could be done. He was stronger than her and she was a weak and already a worn out rag. She was going to lose the last thing she had left, the only thing she was happy about treasuring for the majority of her teen years, her virginity.

A tear slipped from her eye. But before the man with the compass tattoo began to insert his phallus in her, a loud groan fled his lips and suddenly his body collapsed lifelessly on her trembling one and palm loosens from her mouth. Which caused screams to ricochet out of her severe sore throat.

Soon the Half-naked corpse was lifted from Delilah and trembles possessed her limbs.

Her eyes soon meet his wine chocolate orbs causing worry to vanish but fear too quickly settle. It was Issac Fisher, the man she had run away from.

"No! Please, don't hurt me, "She sobbed in a hurtful plead and began to crawl away from the devil himself. He had slaughtered the man who had violated her. Imagine what kind of disgrace he could to do her. Slaughter her as well...even worse finish what the man in the ski mask started.

Issac paced towards her with a mix of emotions his eyes were carrying.

He crouched down in front of the frightened girl and wrapped his stone broad arms around her quaky figure.

"Don't rape me, please. I beg you not to," She cried into his shoulder which flexed at the movements of his hands which hooked on her panties causing Delilah to dread life but instead of attempting what she thought he would do he pulled them back on her hips, pulling away and gazing at her with madness in his eyes.

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