Part 21: Pain

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{Chapter 21}

Punch after punch and sob after sob, Delilah rammed with all her mighty force against the locked door. Which caused more pain and bruises to form throughout her body in the process. Heavy breaths pried from her lungs as her lips quivered. Even though she was in excruciating pain she wasn't going to give up. She walked back and then impulsed herself onto the door once more but this time her body went flying to the ground as it lunged open.

A whimper left her mouth as she laid numb on the ground, she cautiously glanced up at the pair of feet before her. It was Isaac with worry tracing in his hazel orbs.

"Delilah, if you keep doing that they are going to restrict you!" He whispers yelled as his hands took hold of her weak shoulders.

She shoved away from him. "I don't care! Leave me alone, you just betrayed me without thinking twice. I just want to go home. And I never want to see you ever again," She tore her gaze away from his as a cry seeped from her throat.

"Delilah, life isn't fair, the world is a cruel place. There are many things that aren't simple to explain," He commented in a deep sigh.

She licked her lips. "Maybe if you just tried to explain everything, I just might understand," She pleaded.

He pulled her up and about to the mattress and gave her serious eyes. "I can't right now."

Her teeth gritted. "Why not?"

As his head dropped into his palms he said, "Look, your biological father was supposed to help me get a lawyer after I had brought you here, but I overheard him talking in his office with the men who work for him that he wasn't going to do that. He used me, and now I can't prove to the world that I'm an innocent man."

A scoff left her lips. "What do you mean you are innocent? You've killed so many men Isaac. No lawyer can save you from a life sentence," She stated which his eyes redden in a demonic way at.

"Look there is no time to explain, but I promise to you that I will after I get you somewhere safe." He exclaimed.

She crossed both frail arms over her chest sighing. "I-I'm not going anywhere with you Isaac, that's your problem, not mine."

"You do realize that you are being held captive in a room, many cities and states away from your home right? That you have been almost killed now, many times as well?" He said hesitantly as his fingers held onto dear life locked in his dirty blonde locks.

"But...but I can't trust you, Isaac, because of you I am in this mess." She whispered lowly as her eyes glued to the ground beneath her.

He scoffed and groaned. "No Delilah, because of your said father you are in this mess. He is the one who got you in this whole mess. Drugs, broken contracts, and false words he's the one who got you into this mess, not me." He commented while shaking his head ruthlessly.

Her breaths came out forced as her world didn't only spin from the wounds she received by slamming into a door multiple times but also the criminal before her.

Her voice came out in a whisper. "I-I can't believe you, Isaac... I just can't trust you, look where it has gotten me."

His hands trailed along with the bruises on her cheeks ever so gently."You have believed and trusted me thus far haven't you?"

Her breath caught in her throat, she couldn't deny it. She had been trusting a delinquent all this time. But why did she if she didn't know him and also knew what he was capable of?

She squirmed in discomfort."I-I don't know..." Then she continued, "Did I have a choice in the matter?"

Isaac's jaw tightened at her words. "Yes, you did! You could have run away when you had the chance, you could have run away when my mother was murdered when we were at the motel, and even when I stopped at the dinner."

"Can you explain why you didn't take that as an opportunity to leave?"

No words were able to leave her lips because none came to her mind, she was confused and hesitant. Nothing made sense to her anymore, nothing has been for a while now. She was stuck in an endless loophole that lacked understanding. She didn't know why she trusted him, Delilah didn't understand why she pitied him and doesn't feel the need to run from him. All she knows is that she feels an indescribable attachment to Isaac Fisher, a murderer.

"I don't know." She gulped as she spoke in a confused way with knitted brows.

"Okay, well if you decide to come with me I will be leaving at midnight, under the drawer there is a key to the window, I will be waiting for you on the other side."

Her eyes pierced into his own in a different way, a way that Isaac couldn't understand. Delilah's hands held delicately onto his as her lips press a long kiss onto his cheek. He stood up a few minutes later after the daze that withheld him as he cleared his throat.

"Why did you do that?"

"I wanted to," She informed with a weak and sad smile.

"Um, I will try my best to take you back to your family, I promise." He confirmed firmly as he neared close to the door.

"I hope you can trust me for a while longer Delilah."

"I hope so too," She whispered. Then he gave her one last glance before he seeped away from the room. What Isaac didn't know that that was going to be the last time that he was going to be in her presences. She wasn't planning on going anywhere with Isaac not because she didn't trust him just because knowing him any longer was going to make her emotionally attached to a man that would cause pain amongst her. She was now going to do things her way, a plan was at mind and it was going to take a few days to prepare but very much worth it to her. She wasn't going to be treated like a rag anymore, she had nothing more to fear, nothing more to lose.


A u t h o r ' s N o t e

Hey there fellow readers! I know there are so many questions here that have to be answered. Like why Delilah's Biological father sent Isaac Fisher a criminal to bring her to him or why Isaac is claiming to be innocent, even why Isaac Fisher is working for her father in the first place? I know,I know its all a mess but this mess will be cleared up in further chapters. Everything that you guys might be questioning or confused about will be cleared and brought to the light soon enough. Also I'm sorry that I have kind of disappeared, I just got a job about a month ago and between school and the job everything's been super busy. But I still make time for writing. I've also noticed that this story has reached 9k reads!!! Never in a million dreams have I thought about this ever happening to me with this story. I am so happy and I still can't believe it also I have all of you guys to thank for always waiting and reading my story. You all don't understand how much I appreciate you guys. This story has take me on such a growing experience and journey. I hope I can finish this story for you all to enjoy. Again thanks, I will be updating soon. I promise I won't disappear.

Love, Aster

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