Part 24 : Help

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The recap is at the bottom, at the end of this chapter. If you would like, please read it and then come back to read chapter twenty-four. :D


C h a p t e r 24

       Delilah's breath caught in her throat and her heart quickened as she drove further and further away from her place of captivity. Palms were sweaty as her fingers clenched the steering wheel. She was desperate to find someone, anyone for help but she also knew she had to compose herself and drive as far as she possibly could from the mansion, and the people who would probably be after her in a few hours. She wasn't going to let them catch her, not again.

Dawn had peaked, purple and orange had burst throughout the dark sky, slowly welcoming in the light and with that light also welcoming in the hope Delilah had once lost. She drove farther and farther away. She knew she couldn't let her emotions control her, she had to cloud them out. She had made it this far for it all to be for nothing. To her luck the gas tank was full, it should be enough to get her halfway through Florida, sufficient to buy her some time. She had to be smart about her next move, see the outcome of them like pawns on a chessboard. She didn't want to be caught again. Her goal was to be permanently free.

     Delilah's hands drew towards the radio, she longed for something to fill in the loud void. It was going to be a long ride on the interstate and she didn't need her thoughts getting the best of her. Signs, exits, and vehicles went past her, as minutes turned to hours and the light of day slowly but persistently was consumed by darkness.


To Delilah's luck, there was a wallet in the glove compartment of the truck, in it enough money to fill the tank and get her to Georgia, until she eventually ran out of gas and was stranded on the side of the highway. She remained glued to the driver's seat as anxiousness washed over her. She was too scared to move, to even breathe. The trauma that she was experiencing was excruciating. She had driven hundreds of miles in fear that someone was still following her. Delilah exhaled a shaky breath and dropped her head to the steering wheel. She tried to process the last few events but the wall she had forced herself to build was too strong to dismantle. Her head was spinning and her thoughts were all scattered.

A jolt shot through her as a hard tap on her window was heard. Tremors engulfed her as she braced herself to look out the window. It was a man, bald and with a grey mustache. The rough lines on his forehead and eyes gave away his age, he looked no older than seventy. And he was wearing a police uniform. At the sight, Delilah let out something between a sigh and a sob.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" His brows furrowed, staring down at her in suspicion and concern as he looked at her and inside the vehicle. She opened her mouth but no words seeped past them.

"Miss, I've been following you for a few miles now and the way you have been driving has been reckless and suspicious, are you okay?"He asked.

"No." It was barely a whisper.

He sighed ."License and registrations please."

"I don't have them." Delilah frowned.

"I will have to ask you to step away from the vehicle then." His voice came out strong but his dark eyes kept scanning Delilah's appearance. The knotted hair in her face, the bruises of purple and yellow on her hands and body, as well as the disheveled attire she was wearing. She followed his instructions with the inhale of a sharp breath.

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