Part 13: Pure Flame

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     Chapter Thirteen

       Her taste buds were given the delightful permission to savor again. Every single bite was the heaven that filled her small and frail stomach, slowly relieving the pain. Halfway through the burger, Delilah forced more pieces down her throat. Even though she was hungry her stomach had consumed itself and eating food was a great hassle.

      Isaac just studied the girl with caution. Watching her every move, her every facial expression. But as she took the last bite though, her drowsy eyes collided with his own. Eyes that lacked energy, strength, life, and maliciousness. They were cold, they were dead.

      She whipped the access condiments from her mouth with the sleeve of her hoodie and pried her vision from the hold of his.

    "U-uh...thank you."

      His eyes were piercing jewels.

       " what for?"

      She stared down at her fumbling fingers. " For the food."

     "You shouldn't be thanking me. I haven't brought any good Delilah." His voice was out of rhythm just like his motions, which tensed.

        She understood that he was right, but that experience was the most normal one she's had in a while and she wanted to be grateful. She strives to think positive but she felt selfish for worrying about her situation. There are people who were in greater danger, in worse conditions than her right now....she was just being selfless. Silence forced its way to settle, which engorged them with thick tension and as much as Delilah longed to avoid his burning stare, it was inevitable.

      Even though she was still held hostage and in danger, she believed things were going to better, as long as she was living, there was hope...well that was until she thought of those very words, pain demolished inside of her, sweat blanketed her face as her eyes mirrored her vision. She was seeing two Isaac's now and the pain she was encountering was just so intolerable to describe. She pulled her body out of the booth and carried her figure with her limited upper body strength.

      Isaac rushed out of his seat and his eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

       She inhaled and exhaled trying to compose herself as well as her posture. "I'm okay I just really need to use the bathroom." She lied, she felt like her lower abdomen was being pushed through a meat processor. She tried her best to walk as normal as she possibly could but she heard his heavy footsteps behind her.

      She cautiously turned to face his still confused persona. "Look, If you're worried about me running away don't because I won't. Just let me use the bathroom."Her voice was quite hesitant.

     His gaze tensed and his lips pressed up into a thin line. "But-"

          "Let me use the bathroom....alone."

        She turned back in her former direction, wincing at every step she took that caused her excruciating pain until she got to the restroom and pushed herself against the murky sink in support. As Delilah peeled her shirt up so did a scream of agony. Her eyes trailed down to the pain, her wound was drowned by a red sea of blood. She panicked and reached for the nearest help she could find to stop the bleeding. Wrapping toilet paper around her torso in cautious movements, she knew it wouldn't stop the flow but at least it would slow it down. But before she could finish tying the last fragments, two gunshots were heard, followed by scared screams of the innocent and so did the bathroom door soaring shut. It was Isaac with a panicked expression.

          "Come on we got to go." His words were rushed.


      "I said let's go ...NOW..." He stopped dead in his tracks with complete and utter worry washing over him.

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