Part 26 : The Shattered Vase

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Chapter 26

"We are here," Anthony informed.

The silence consumed every speck of sound as he tried his best to make conversation with Delilah. She didn't blame him because the silence felt awkward, but that was all until he stated their destination regaining her to blow out a breath in relief. The house was a Mediterranean style one story with pink and orange hibiscus bushes complimenting alongside the home neatly.

"Wow, nice house."

"Thank you, I picked out the property and your aunt Lucy planed out the landscaping." He said, his tone excited that she commented on his home.

As they both got out of the vehicle they walked up to the porch where a very worried woman waited impatiently for her niece, her teeth bit at her nails frantically as Delilah closed the distance between them. Her hands clasped onto her red cheeks as her crystal blue eyes met Delilah's'. She was wearing navy blue scrubs and the bags clinging to her eyes made her look older than she was but not older than Anthony. Her ruby red hair was up in a ponytail, fly-aways sticking out in many directions, Lucy had seen better days. Delilah jumped into her open arms taking in her lavender vanilla scent, a nostalgic and inviting smell that overwhelmed Delilah.

Lucy locked her arms around her frail body as her tears stained Delilah's cheeks while she placed kisses all over her face.

She pulled away, her eyes still red. "Deli, how do you feel, are you in any pain?" She asked frantically, as she speculated every inch of her niece's body.

Her frown sunk even more at the story that Delilah's bruises and frail state were telling her, for Lucy the infliction on her flesh was more than a story, it was a nightmare, one that she couldn't be woken up from because it was reality.

Delilah choked back a sob at being able to hear her aunt call her that mediocre nickname again, she never expected to be so happy to be able to listen to her say it.

She pulled Lucy back into an embrace. "I missed you calling me that." She whispered.

"And I'm okay." She said.

Lucy searched her eyes, trying to get reassurance from them.

"Okay, well come inside. You must be starving and in need of rest." She exclaimed giving Delilah one last tight hug before pulling her inside her house.

"You have such a nice home, Lucy." She commented, as her eyes scanned over every piece of furniture and decoration, everything in sync with the Mediterranean theme, a burst of white and oak wood furniture were evident around the home.

"Thank you Deli, would you like something to eat? I made dinner, there's Lasagna your favorite! And for dessert, I made grandma's famous tiramisu." Excitement lingered in Lucy's voice as she pulled Delilah over to the dining room table.

The table was blanketed in heavenly delights causing Delilah's stomach to growl and her mouth to water. She sat down at a chair and started to crowd her plate with food. She stuffed her face with mouthfuls of food as tears began to stream down her face. She missed eating homemade food, food in general. She had enough of having one meal a day or whenever it was available to her. The taste of the cheese and tomato enlightened her taste buds as she stuffed her face. It was a blast of flavor that overtook her. At the sight Lucy's face dropped, her eyes filled with so much worry and sorrow.

"This is amazing, thank you so much. "She whispered, blinking away the tears.

Lucy sat at the dining table next to Delilah and stroked her back lightly.

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