Part 23 : The Party

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hey everyone I'm back with a new chapter! This one takes place in Isaacs perspective leading up to the party in the beginning of the story where Delilah gets kidnapped. I hope you guys enjoy. Next chapter I'll summarize what has happened so far in the story due to delays in uploads. A little refresher to the loyal readers. Love you guys! 💓


Chapter Twenty Two

A few months earlier:

     It was a typical Friday morning, temperature lingering just over 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the weather was cool for a summer day in Illinois. It wasn't cold nor hot, it was just right. No clouds blanketed the blue sky's, just the sun standing in all its glistening glory. Anyone would say it was a perfect day. But for Isaac Fisher it was just another anxious and dark world for him. A world where police enforcement were hunting him down for a crime he didn't commit. A murder he had been framed for.

       That being said, he was destined to clear his name. He was sick of running, but in order for the nightmare he was living in could go away he had to do something about it. Something that just might get him even deeper into the hole he had already buried himself. 

       And that something was, kidnap Delilah Lancaster. He knew nothing of her except that she was the biological daughter of an ex convict of his father, who was the only way to unlocking his freedom. There was a deal, an exchange; taking Delilah to her father even if it was against her own will for help, for the exchange of good lawyers to help him prove his innocence. The plan was easier said than done, but the fact that Isaac was so invested in his worrisome thoughts kind of drove him away from thinking of possible complications to the plan. He prepared for the job. He had planned overnight.

     Isaac had collected every knowledge there was to know of Delilah Lancaster. Every little speck and fragment. From the way she would shrug due to vulnerability or  because of an uncomfortable moment. And the ways her lips would twitch to a side when she was nervous. It took two months to collect all the information. And four months to plan out the capturing and delivery to Gerald, Delilah's biological father.

"Come on let's just go to the party. It will be fun!!!" Naomi, Delilah's best friend pleaded, rose lips pouted.

          Isaac sunk deeper into the cushioned seat of his vehicle. Eyes just a tad bit over the dashboard in front of him as he stared deeply at his future captive. His pulse was racing and his palms clammy, he had never done such thing before. Nor would he ever think of doing such thing. It was all outlandish to him, but it was a task he was desperate to complete. It didn't matter what the complication of tonight was going to be, Isaac had a deadline and his last chance to capture Delilah was tonight. So he had four different plans for the day based on the place or the scene that would take place. And by the looks of it he was going with plan c. He over heard Delilah frustratingly cave in to her friends begging to go to a party.

      He waited until they both got into the car and left the parking lot, he followed far behind to avoid suspicion. It took about thirty minute due to traffic but they finally neared an iron gate that was already vast open in a welcoming manner, they had arrived to the sight of the party. The house before Isaac seemed overwhelming, in its stature and the music blaring from inside it.

    He waited for Delilah and her friend to find a parking among the twenty plus cars cramped up together so he could park a reasonable distance away from their car, not too far and not to close either to avoid suspicion. When settled the first one to prop out of the car was Naomi, she sprinted towards the house leaving Delilah behind. Isaacs waited for her, his brows furrow as seconds turned to minutes, and then it was ten minutes which made him grow ever so impatient. Isaac scrambled out of the car and sat on the hood just waiting and waiting, fingers ripping at his cuticles aggressively.

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