Part 19 : The Car Ride

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{Chapter Nineteen}

One, two, three red cars, eight pairs of headlights, and twenty-seven street lights. Delilah had been distracting herself for the past five hours to keep herself from thinking back at all the commotion that took place at that motel earlier. The entire drive was dead, no communication nor music the environment was staler than a bag of expired chips.

Music could have been a distracting and an inviting factor but Delilah didn't dare touch the radio. She believed that putting a cheerful melody wouldn't be the brightest idea considering they were previously in a life or death situation. Isaac or even Delilah could have died in cold blood. So again they just sat in silence, the only sound was of the fortune cookie wrappers she had been fumbling with.

She withdraws her attention from the highway as soon as the car swerved out of the road in a sloppy abrupt motion causing a shriek of panic to escape Delilah's throat. Next thing she knew Isaac stomped on the brakes causing her head to collide on the dashboard due to the force,e verything happened in a flash of seconds.

"ISAAC what was that?!" She hollered, hands rushing to her afflicted forehead in pain.

Isaac's face was as blank as a white paper, his hands rubbed at his eyes from the sleep. "I'm sorry, I almost fell asleep," His eyes widened as he processed what had just happened.

She sighed profusely. "I could clearly see that."

His hands fell into his open palms. "Are you okay?"

She motioned at her forehead with a wince of pain settling in her features.

"I'm sorry."

"I can drive if you want," She suggested but his muscles tensed like water that crystallized from the blistering cold at her offer. He couldn't trust her, who would be able to trust their victim? The person they held hostage? That was unheard of that was outlandish.

"No." His tone was threatening.

"Bu-, "Delilah quivered as the beginning of the words that dared to leave her lips but the look of anger on his face caused her to flea protest.

"I'm fine, I'm awake now and we only have thirty more minutes to go," He informed as he rubbed rough circles on the temples of his head.

"Are you sure?" She cocked a brow, he didn't seem fit to drive, dark bags pulled down on his eyes from lack of sleep.

"Yes, I'm positive," He said, trying to convince himself of the words he stated.

"Okay, but I'm putting on music," She claimed, laying her head onto the ice cold window as a calming mechanism for all the terror that had showered anxiety and fear over her today.

He nodded and hesitated as he turned back to the wheel and started the engine up again. At that Delilah knew she had to watch him like a hawk she also knew she had to find an exciting radio station to keep him up alert and awake. She now had an excuse and motive to put on music.

As he pulled into the road Delilah focused on putting the radio once she found an enthusiastic tone she laid back sideways, keeping her eyes locked on Isaac. They didn't need more unwanted surprises. The drive was longer than expected, it felt like a hectic eternity due to her vigilante eyes watching Isaac's every move.

They had pulled up into a gated modern looking mansion that rose up her suspicious, the gates before them lunged opened as Isaac spoke an odd combination of numbers and letters into a speaker. They slowly drove into the driveway which was accompanied by two buff and serious looking men who wore black suits. Something grew in Delilah's stomach, something didn't feel right.

"We are here, please just follow and listen to me. Please don't try to run away especially here," He said with worried dark eyes that collided with her own.

She shivered and just agreed. "Okay."

They both shifted out of the vehicle with taints of red staining their clothes. The men dressed in black came up behind Delilah and Isaac as they rose up the steps that led to the house that was accompanied by a man around his late fifties, nothing but grey hairs and a well suited put up attire. His eyes were well feared as they pierced in through her soul. They were mere two feet away from the man when they stopped in front.

"Thanks for bringing her to me Isaac," The man with the sharp features stated, arms taking hold of Delilah's figure. Panic broke in her as she bled her gaze into Isaac's avoiding eyes.

Why had that man dared to say those words? Why had that strange and devilish looking man gripped onto her? And what had he meant by his last words?

Authors Note:

Hey, guys, it's me Aster, so I finally updated and I'm also sorry for the short chapter, I might go back and rewrite it in the near future. I just thought you guys might have wanted an update to this story. My goal is to finish it and it's also for my readers to enjoy and have hope in my story. I appreciate you all!

Love- Aster

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