Part 8: The Wolf's Cave

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  A/N: This is how I beg you guys for forgiveness on no updates for a month now.

{Chapter Eight}

The pounding at the door became more barbarous causing her to wince and shrink in her shoulder and scream at the vibrating oak door which was caused by a vicious sociopath who with clenched fists struck at what kept Delilah safe...for now. Strike after strike Issac's grunts became louder and unbearable for the poor girl. All she could do was ball up her fists in the strands of her dry blonde hair as fresh tears start to reveal their constant fear as they trailed perpetually down her cheeks which lacked color and health that her skin oh so longed for.

"Delilah, come on open the door!" His voice was vicious and slithered in fumed anger.

All the girl who was kept prisoner from the world did was sob every time he dared to speak. With one hand she clutched onto the wound on her lower abdomen and with the other, she wrapped her quivering arm around her legs which were brought up to her chest. Several minutes which felt like agonizing hours for Delilah had past and the loud and torturous banging had slowly faded until silence had once again consumed the world in which she was trying to survive.

She froze at the stale commotion which overwhelmed her.

Had he gone to get something that would help him get to me?

And if so what was he going to do to me once the door stopped being the reason for which I hadn't been hurt yet?

Was he going to kill me?

She asked herself over and over again until time went passing and her worries evolved into curiosity. She limped towards the sealed door and hesitantly shivered before prying it slightly ajar. Her swollen red eyes scanned every corner and inch of that room before knowing that it was in some way safe to step foot in, but once her bare feet made contact with the ice cold hardwood floor of the room, fear soon consumed her whole once again. Yet knowing that if she didn't fight for her life till the very end there was no guaranteeing the possibility of her freedom.

She pushed her worries aside and proceeded to open the door that kept her away from interaction and from any other living organism. The first thing that overwhelmed her vision was gleams of light which flashed from distant windows causing her eyes to wrinkle at the edges. She had been held prisoner by darkness for far too long that her eyes needed time to adjust. But tears bleed from them once more seeing how close freedom was from her.

She used the walls of the skinny hallway as her support, step after step and sob after sob as pain kept reminding her it was there and the reason it was present in the first place. Once the hall ended it lead into the small living room she was in before, the day she had first arrived at another prison cell.

"Hon, aren't you suppose to be resting?that was a nasty wound," A feminine yet raspy voice which assumed by alcohol or cigarettes was caused said in worry which was followed by rough coughs. Her heart skipped a beat and her goal of getting past that door, past the door that held sunlight's sensation, minimized.

"Please get me out of here!"Her throat was so dry from the lack of hydration which caused her voice to crack and dizziness to overwhelm her all at once.The lady with the stressed ocean eyes approached the poor girl who's stance lacked firmness as she pushed herself up against the wall using it as support.

"Oh, dear you really did lose a lot of blood. You are safe here don't worry, no harm will come to you." She assured Delilah and for some odd reason, she felt truth in the woman's voice.

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