Part 11: A matter of trust

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A/N: Should I make a chapter in Delilah's point of view?

{Chapter Eleven}

The warmth of the hurtling water rushed down Delilah's feeble back as the excess taints of red ran down her skin and seeped into the drain of the shower including the tears of numbness that fell from her damaged cheeks. There was no meaning to life anymore but she thought about how selfish it would have been of her if she decided to grab that keen blade and dig it into the flesh of her wrists, because of how many people who were struggling to keep living would want her life.And not the encounter her life was going through at this precise moment,oh no. It was having the capacity of seeing, breathing, and hearing with no problem that people in need would have longed for. She didn't know what to do anymore, her only option at this point was trust her taker. But she didn't want to be trapped in an endless pit of darkness or be in harm.

All events crashed down on her shoulders and more tears trailed down her red cheeks.Going to a college party she only went to because of her best friend. Waking up in a motel room next to a sociopath.Getting shot.Almost getting rape.And not so long ago witnessing the death of a soul so helpful yet a mother of what most would call a "mistake". There was so much blood, so much red and death. Something so disgusting and awful, something so wicked the world outside the four walls she was living in was just so evil and had so many bad things to offer.

She washed off her face with the rushing water of the shower head before turning it off and stepping out of the tub to dry her wet skin with a towel. When finished she slipped on the familiar washed blue jeans and mint green blouse she last wore, which didn't quite fit on her hips and didn't hug her like once before. The loose of weight Delilah went through was noticeable and her skin tightened firmly around her bones differently. That wasn't all, dark circles dragged her puffy red eyes making her seem older and bruises numbed parts of her face. It had seemed as if she had gone through hell which she had most certainly  been through. And the bleach that took over her brown locks made Delilah seem like the walking dead because of her pale skin.

She sighed heavily as she slid on the black hoodie that was left for her on the counter.And propped the red cap on before opening the door of the master bedroom's bathroom with a shaky grasp which lead her into the room she woke up in after getting shot and the first thing that came into her view was Isaac staring off into space.Once he heard her rustles he scrambled off of the messy bed clearing his throat as their eyes held onto each other.

"You ready?" He asked nearing her with cautious steps.

She just simply nodded and tore away their tense stare down.He lifted her chin with his pointer finger and thumb but she quickly shrugged away his touch causing a sigh to leave his lips.

"Once we leave this place you will have to promise not to run away if I don't have you restrained. Remember I'm trying to protect you. And I don't want any harm to come to you that already has."He acknowledged and wiped away his glossy eyes of the obvious tears.

"Fine."She said.

He fumbled with his fingers before opening the door of the bedroom as Delilah followed behind shortly but before Isaac was capable of leaving the long hallway his mind was all over the tragic death of his mother as the door covered in nothing more than the crimson life of his loved one. His heart was shattered but hate and thoughts of revenge began to accumulate in him. His hands balled up into tight fists which caused his knuckles to slowly turn white.He concealed his hurting emotions and cleared his bothered throat before advancing down to the front door of the living room. Which Delilah struggled to get over to because of the furniture that clouded over the tile floor of the living room.

Once her body was revealed to the sweet air that kissed at her skin a sigh of some sort of relief left her but her soul pleaded out way to soon because of Isaac's sudden grasp on her wrist causing her to growl under her breath.

"I'm not going to escape again, and if I tried you'd still find anyway. Does it look like I'm capable of  running from you? You're faster," She mumbled under her breath and proceeded to pace down the sidewalk of the complex but was automatically stopped by Issac who's eyes were engorged with worry.

"I don't want to cause you any harm Delilah, I'm going to try to trust you...only if you trust me.I f there's no trust there's nothing."

Those words rushed and overpowered Delilah's motions. She stood gelidly and overwhelmed with worry. She didn't want to trust a man like Issac but at this point there was no other option as she sighed heavily before responding in a hushed whisper.


-Unedited -

Sorry for no update in a while guys I was actually on vacation with my family and after that I had to take care of personal issues. I hope to updated next week though. Thanks for all the love and support I really really appreciate it.

Love -Aster ❤️

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