Part 29: Chocolate

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Chapter 29

      Time for Delilah felt indefinite. Like the sound of the gun firing, it was a still fragment in her mind. One that rippled slowly through the air, across the droplets of rain, and into the pitch black night with no return. And the look in Makenna's eyes, the speck of despair that crossed his features as the bullet came into contact with his chest, burned Delilah's heart.

    He mouthed his last words to her.

    "Run." He whispered. As soon as he said it, soon it was gone, taken by the wind. And at that moment Delilah did just that, she ran. Not caring about the gun in Anthony's hand or the possibility of being his next victim. Her mind was gelid, only holding the memory of a good man's last gaze, but her body was sprinting, urging itself out of danger.

     The tears fell and blurred her vision but she kept moving. Every shot that was fired echoed through the rain but missed Delilah, until there were no more bullets just the sound of the weapon clicking and an anxious growl.

    "You are going to come back here NOW!"

    She didn't dare glance back, her eyes were set on the prize, on freedom. Or what that even meant anymore.Her limbs pushed forward with it the sound of Anthony's voice fading slightly away but not fast enough for it to regain its strength

    Shouting again he said. "You can run Delilah, but you can't hide."

   The words and threats that spilled and seethed from his lips didn't amuse her like they once did. She couldn't undergo anything worse than what she had already. It wasn't enough to cause fear or pain. Not when the numbness ate away at it. She proceeded to sprint towards the woods, which were crowded and hard to make much of, even more so in the pitch black night and wind that pulled and shoved at the arms of the trees. A light gleamed over the silhouette of the branches as an almost silent rustle announced itself.

    Delilah's figure stilled, her heart shortly following that same action, and sought cover behind a tree trunk. She reminded herself in that moment of the mere taste of freedom, and the chance she had at achieving it. But that all relied on playing her cards right. And tonight, losing wasn't an option. She breathed in through her nose, steadying an exhale through her mouth. She thought of the people she loved, and the closer she'd be getting to holding them in her arms as she lost herself in their signature scent and the tears of joy that would follow.

    All that calmed her the slightest bit to make of her surroundings. To focus on the sounds and the details within the trees. She caught sight of movement on her right side. Slowly her body slid down, darkness complementing her cover and bushes shielding her as Anthony passed right by her with a flashlight at hand. His nostrils were flared as he inched passed her with no detection of Delilah's presence.

    "Delilah...I can smell your fear."

    She took advantage of the moment, hands grasping her nearest object and throwing it in the opposite direction of her next steps. The sound was a big thud, loud enough that heavy footsteps rushed and faded in that direction. Time was not taken for granted. She sprinted, faster than she ever believed possible, ignoring the blood that ran down her arm, which would eventually stop rushing down if not treated soon. Her mother's smile, her brother's boyish eyes, the light that Naomi brought into a room, and...Isaac's hold...his calming embrace. That's what she was looking forward to, that was her will to live. Her indefinite reason.

    Delilah steadied herself as she moved further into the woods. Feet slowly sank beneath her with every step taken. Minutes turned to what felt like hours. Head pounding and dizziness overtook her, but not enough to take the slightest second to compose herself. Anthony's voice was no longer present now, nor was the light that flashed passed the trees. She was now only accompanied by the wind and rain that persisted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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