Part 7: The Warmth Of A Sociopath

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{Chapter seven}

She sensed weight suddenly on her stomach which was soon unraveled with soothing warmth as fingers grasped onto her waist. She expected Jason, her seven-year-old brother to be cuddling up against her like he would do every evening she would read a storybook to him but once her eyes trailed down to the source of nostalgia, no ,Jason wasn't holding onto her. It was the one sickening being that developed more fear to devour her whole.

Isaac Fisher had his head laying on the side of Delilah's stomach that wasn't injured as his hands held her in an embrace for dear life. Dismay washed over her and settled in the pit of her gut as she just saw him lay there like it was normal to do so and not cynical at all, not as if the person who was under his slumbering body was captive by him.

She would scream and push his body off of her but for some undiscovered and unthinkable reason she just laid there studying his peaceful body with her strained eyes. For once he didn't seem psychopathic, he didn't hold a clenched jaw nor sinister eyes which bleed into her soul with fear she couldn't even begin to comprehend. He was now just at bay. His facial features were softened for once as his rich blonde hair covered over his eyes in a mess, he seemed peaceful, he seemed like a normal human being. And the man she saw the night before everything began to run downhill, who smiled at her brightly and boyishly making her feel jittery inside was finally seen.

She was hesitant as she proceeded to do something that her mind couldn't even process. She rushed her fingers nonchalantly and softly through his hair. It felt natural for her. But he was a sociopath and that's what he will ever be to her since she was held prisoner by him. Doing what she did now made her just like him. She was a lunatic for petting the one man feared the most, the one man who caused all this trouble in the first place and placed her life through a roller coaster ride.

Now she used both hands to brush through his mass of hair. The last thing her mind thought of was her action.

"Delilah, I don't want you to be scared of me," He whispered, and her hands became gelid.

"Why did you stop doing that?"

She took in a shaky breath and watched as his eyelids rose.

"Doing what?" Her fear took a toll on her causing her to slide from under his body. But once pain unraveled threw out her entire lower abdomen a whimper of pain shook from her lips keeping her from any motion. Her eyes trailed down to the proactive area and once her eyes detailed the red-stained white t-shirt she was wearing realization overwhelmed her mind.

She was still held captive

And she was hurt.

Causing her entire plan of evolving future escape plans to backfire. She went to hesitantly ride up her shirt but quickly noticing that that was the only thing her body was covered with which paused her motion.

"Never mind just....lay back down your going to hurt yourself, "He informed with a worried face.

Her bones tensed. "The only one hurting me is you," She said but winched at the cause of pain speaking even caused her.

His face was engorged with anger and other emotions that were quite difficult to describe. "I haven't caused any trouble to you," He shouted and his face was consumed in red.

She feared his presence which had her lower back away from him. She didn't know what he was capable of but she did know that he was capable of anything. "Then why am I hurt." She motioned to her inflicted area causing her distressful pain and agony. He went silent but got as close as possible to her, their noses were not even mere centimeters from colliding.

"Please don't hurt me," She begged and wheezed at his closeness to her. She was scared, frightened, not even those words could come to comprehend what she was feeling. Her limbs began to quiver.

"I won't hurt you, I promise."

"Then why won't you let me go? I won't tell anyone who you are, I'll just say that I ran away. Please."She sobbed as tears began deconstructing from her eyes.

"Shut up!" He bellowed as he wrinkled the collar of her oversized shirt with his fingers, causing distress to consume her but be beat down with fear and horror even more. She whimpered, shutting her eyes tightly. His actions were not to be trusted, one second he was helpful and the next he was a sociopath putting one's life in danger. He detected her struggle and released his grip from her, sitting up straight on the bed and letting his head collapse on his palms as a troublesome sigh slithered from his lips.

Delilah winched once more at the pain which possessed her, she held down on the area causing her pain, but feeling blood damp and stain her hand caused her stress and panic. She was in a closed up room which lacked light, pain immobilizing her, and the one dangerous person which had inflicted her life permanent all at once.

This wasn't called living anymore, now it's just surviving.

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Author's Note:

Hey, guys its Aster! And before you guys say anything...I know I said there wasn't going to be an update this week but at last minute I decided on finishing the chapter, not mattering it being short because I wanted to keep my commitment to this story. I don't know if I will be able to update Tuesday because I updated today and it would only leave me a bit time to write and organize things but if I do update thank the lord hahaha. This story is just starting and I hope you guys keep enjoying it.


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