✾Chapter Five✾

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Damon Salvatore has been alive for so long. But he had never heard of that family Daniella told him about. The Redmond family.

They both sat in silence. She had just finished telling him what she knew about the Redmond family, and was currently giving him some time to process.

"They are very old; I think Elijah said they date as far back as the 1600s. All were born human, they started human"

They were close with witches, a member of the family had married a witch, and they were all entranced with magic and what it can do.

The head of the family was known to be power-hungry. So, he was thrilled at the prospect of having powers more than man's weapons and physical strength.

However, there was no known way to have magic unless you're born with it. It hadn't been known until he found a way.

"There are dimensions" Daniella started a bit hesitant. "We live in one, but there are as many as twelve of them with other living beings"

Damon scoffed at the atrocious idea, "You saying there are other worlds with different beings?" He mockingly asked, "Yeah, I've been alive for almost two centuries, dated my fair share of witches and never heard of such a thing"

She had given him a sigh, knowing he would find it hard to believe. She decided to not argue with him.

"This is what I know" she shrugged. "Long story short, he opened some sort of a portal between our dimension and another to make a deal with the beings living there. He would borrow their power and they would have the freedom to walk the earth"

"I'll pretend for a minute that I believe this myth. How did he open that portal?" Damon's tone was impatient and his face told of how incredulous he believed the idea is.

"A witch told him" she answered simply, "He had good connections with witches"

He let an exasperated sigh, "whatever, go on"

"They agreed, the inhabitants of that dimension, and he finally got the power he wanted. However, the price was not cheap. They told him they wanted to walk earth freely, but they didn't tell him how" Daniella continued, trying her best to make sure the story made sense.

"He wasn't ready for the voice in his head, for the blackouts, or the constant lose of control over his body. What he had thought to be a blessing, turned to be a curse"

"Wait a second" Damon stopped her, "Are you implying that he was... Possessed?" He furrowed his eyebrows, and his tone was dubious.

He would have laughed at his own assumption had it been a couple of years ago.

She tilted her head to the side and after a beat she replied, "something like that". She paused for a minute, unsure of how to resume.

"These beings, they lived in him, at least one of them did. It's very similar to sharing a body. So, your body has one soul, one heart and one mind; they lead your actions, feelings and thoughts. He had two of everything"

Damon rubbed at his temple, "You think you saw it all and then you hear this". He mumbled under his breath in what seemed to Daniella like an exhausted way.

She bit her lower lip, "It's crazy, but it gets even crazier" Damon looked at her like he wanted to say of course it does. "He was driven mad, and the that thing overpowered him and took over"

"His name was Toppan Redmond, later, around 1635 known as The Beast"

Daniella paused when she saw a look of recognition passing Damon's eyes, and she guessed he had heard the name before.

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