Part 11 - when worlds collide

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When one's heart is leading, you will usually go in the "wrong" direction.

But why is it considered "wrong" ?

Well it's relatively simple really, just as a drunk man's words is a sober man's thoughts

Your head wants what's "right"

Your heart wants what's "wrong"

And Tom Nook wanted Redd

And who could blame him, anyone could see, no matter which way you swing, that Redd is the sweetest eye candy you've ever seen, you'd get a cavity just by looking at him.

And who could Blame Tom, a man so ashamed of himself that he threw himself neck deep into his work. Trying to fully avid the jungle gym of relationships that waited him if he ever started to think of himself for 2 seconds

But right now, that didn't matter. None of it matters. All that mattered was him and Redd.

For the next 10 minutes that is

Despite pulling away for air it didn't take Tom long before throwing himself back into another kiss, this Time he took the lead. Taking his time to explore Redds mouth with his tongue, finding smoke, not cigarette smoke but campfire smoke, however if you asked Redd this question he would give an answer of coffee and apples, and not coffee with apple flavoured syrup in it, apples that have come fresh of the tree and still have that early morning dew.

After an awkward moment of Tom trying to find the best place to put his hands, Redd ended up just pulling the both of them into a pile of cushions that are scattered around.

Redd finally had him where he wanted him

At a place where he could finally hold him, Redd cupped Tom's face in his hands and ran his thumbs over his features, the dark circles under his wide eyes, the scar over his nose, the slight stubble under his chin.

He wanted all of it, not a single part was left for anyone else

In that moment it was all his

"Your so beautiful"

It was the only words spoken the entire time but before Tom could even Consider a response Redd immediately kissed him

After planting a delicate kiss on Tom's lips, Redd slow movements to his neck via peppering kissing along his jaw line

This was all new to Tom, like really new. but that didn't bother him. all he could feel was pure unfiltered bliss.

As soon as Redd found that one spot on Tom's neck it was game over, he was an absolute mess, everything Tom felt before was amplified by 10, he couldn't help himself, a gentile moan slipped out but once he realised it was too late, he immediately put his hand over his mouth to prevent any more noise escaping.

Redd felt a small shiver run up his back as he gently pushed Tom on his back, only slightly propped up by the cushions beneath him. He look up seeing Redd above him, this only made toms cocktail of emotions swirl fast round his head

He was scared yet he'd never felt this way before as Redd slowing leaned In to his ear and whispered

"Don't stop"

This absolutely 110% broke Tom as Redd painted his neck with his tongue, letting his brain shut down and become a ragdoll, becoming a moaning mess with the occasional "fuck" or "Redd" slipping out.

After Redd was sure that he'd left enough marks on the man's neck he brought his attention back to his face, a face that at a glance looks normal but up close there are a million stories that could be told just from one miniscule feature.

Just as Redds lips grazed Toms, they head an earth shattering call from outside

"Uncle Nook! Where are you?"


We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now