Part 14 - Where did you go?

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"Your so beautiful"





Tom found himself sat bold upright in bed,sticky with sweat, his heart lodged in his throat left unable make a sound

After the ringing in his ears settled , he was able to focus on his breathing, slowing it down as he found himself gasping for air, and he didn't want to wake the boys just down the hall.

Once he'd grounded himself he'd nearly forgotten about his ... 'dream' but one your line stuck out from the rest

"Your so beautiful"

Those 3 little word, it made him feel something, something special

Something he'd never felt before

And he liked it

Tom felt the hairs on his neck rising as he lay back down, thinking about it none stop, his face grew hot at the meat thought of it, he could practically feel him, leaning over him holding him like that, made Tom feel all sorts of ways

He tried to get back too sleep but his wandering mind had caused his blood flow to travel south for the winter

(if you know you know)

Meanwhile.... on a island, very far away late on saturday night

"You know where your room is my boy, I'll let you rest for the evening, but I expect to see you tomorrow bright and early!" Tortimer said, walking away from Redd, who was stood at the end of a long corridor of doors

And the old man wasn't wrong, he knew where his room was, but now he's never been so unsure of what he was faced with.

The walls were still a bright white, the kind you'd find in hospitals or the dentist, however, everything was different.

The doors all used to be a bright red and glossy, each with a golden number painted on the door.

The floor almost matched with a Red patterned carpet, the kind of carpet you'd only find at hotels, or your grandma's house. And sure it was hideous beyond belief, but it felt like home.

All the doors were now a solid wood, with a navy blue carpet, however each door now had a custom glass number, as well as a marching door mat, "now that has to be Leilani's idea" Redd said out loud as he crept down the unfamiliar corridor.

But he eventually made it to the room,

his room

Number 19

Now, why was room 19 so special? Well, it's it's only one like it. Each floor of the hotel is fitted with 18 rooms but on the first floor there 19, it used to be a store room but as a favour from the hotel staff they made it into a room for Redd to stay in whenever he wanted to. No charge

Finally face to face with his door, his door number was well, him. it contained red and orange glass shards that were carefully put together to make the number

"You've out done yourself Leilani"

With a deep breath he pushed open the door, a chance to rest before the storm fast approaching.

What kind of storm? Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

Many many many drops of water south of Redd

"Where....where did it go"

Tom found himself standing at the top of the hill that was positioned at the most Northern part of the island. It was the hill you had to Climb to reach the cove where Redd parked his boat.

Or where it was parked

Tom didn't waste time with his ladder as he was literally throwing himself down the hill to reach the cove maybe he thought just maybe I'm imagining it

But even when I got down there it was gone, no matter where he looked, be it on the rocks or in the sea. Red's boat was nowhere to be found.

Defeated and now slightly wet, he makes the trek back to resident services, where he finds Isabell setting up to make her daily island announcements.

"Good morning Mr Nook- w-why are you wet?!" Isabell sounded surprised, despite the madness that ensued this week.

"Redd's gone" that was all Tom could think to say, and to be honest, with how everything had been, he was half expecting her to go "who's redd?"

But she smiled wide, "Tom, that's amazing!" She said going to give him a hug, but seeing as he's absolutely soaking, she decides to leave it for another time.

"That is good news, right?" Isabell asked confused "you don't look particularly happy"

"Er...yes! Yes it's just.." Tom stammered, trying to drag his thoughts back to reality "it's just.....I wanted to make it official! Yes! Put it in the a official rosebud"

"But why would you need to go see him for that?" Isabell, unbeknownst to herself was slowly ripping Tom's story apart

"Well, erm.....I needed his...uh" Tom's eyes are spinning round the room to look for something to say, landing on his Nook phone "contact details! Just in case, you know, island stuff"

Isabell seemed happy enough with his answer "Well you could ask Orvil and Wilbur, they are basically the island security, however you may want to get changed first..." Isabell said, eyeing up Tom's now slightly less wet clothes

"Ah, right yes, I'll have to make a trip to Able sisters, since we started selling our shirts, I'll see you in a bit Isabell" Tom said waving to his assistant as he made his way to the outside

"Today is going to be one hell of a fetch quest" Tom mutters to himself marching over to the only clothing outlet for thousands of miles

But he'll do whatever it takes to get his answers


We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now