Part 20 - Let's get down to business

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Early on Monday morning

Danny is up bright and early after a slightly restless night's sleep but once again adores his 'normal people' clothes, some overalls and a tank top and makes his way down to the Seaplane Airport.

They made it there just in time for the semi-permanent residents of Rosebud island.

"Hey dude! Long time no see!" the pink haired lady says throwing herself at Danny for a hug and nearly knocks them over in the process. The taller blue haired gentleman comes up behind them now wielding two suitcases.

"Yeah man! You also looked way less tired last time too" Danny laughed nervously and took off their purple tinted sunglasses to reveal some newly formed eyebags. The new duo looked very alarmed

But Danny dismissively waved their hand "Don't worry about it, let me get you settled in and I'll explain everything" they said, leading them out the airport and into the bright sunlight, causing the city dwellers to squint and loosen their ties.

Thankfully it was so early that there weren't too many residents awake, apart from Tank on his usual jog, but he just waved and stormed past.

Back at Danny's home the two marveled at the décor in his living room

"Man, your home looks amazing!" the man commented

Danny simply smiled and shrugged "hey all that time spent at the academy needs to be put to good use" he shrugged and led them to the second floor where Danny was able to convert his games room into a dual guest bedroom.

two twin bed were separated by a sheet that has been pinned to ceiling, each bed had fresh sheets, along with some spear pj's and toiletries

"I hope you don't mind the arrangements, i would have set you up in separate rooms but i have lab equipment in the basement" both looked at Danny confused but quickly let it it go

Both made their way over to separate beds "I'll meet you both downstairs when you're done" and Danny was able to slip away into their kitchen and begin to make a pot of tea and coffee.

But Danny hadn't noticed that their hands were shaking until the blue haired man silently made his way into the kitchen. And when announcing his presence Danny nearly dropped a priceless cow shaped mug

"Geez Lyle you scared the bejesus out of me!" Danny said gently slamming the mug on a tray.

The man chuckled "apologies, i had less to unpack then Lottie" he said making his way over to Danny who was still frantically putting together the tray. But Lyle put his hands on Danny's shoulders and spun them round to face him.

"Okay real talk what is going on?"

"I uhh.... Don't know what you mean?" Danny said avoiding looking through Lyles glasses into his narrow eyes

"Danny don't bullshit me"

This caught their attention immediately as Lyle only swore when he was truly and utterly fuming. But he didn't seem angry at Danny, just angry in general.

"Tom nearly left yesterday" Danny blurted as Lyles eyebrows hit his hairline

"He supposedly found where Redd is hiding and wanted to go over there immediately but i couldn't let him leave like that i-" Danny stopped talking when they felt a strong pair of arms wrap around him.

Danny let his head rest against Lyles chest and let out a breath that they didn't even know they were holding in.

After a while Lyle pulls away "I'm sorry that you had to deal with that, this must have been a lot, but we're here to help okay?" Danny vigorously nods their head while rubbing their eyes, trying to stop any mischievous tears from escaping

"Now come on, like sort out this coffee"

Lyle helps Danny bring out an array of biscuits, mugs and a pot of tea and coffee, which Lyle pours himself a large mug of, and as if by magic Lottie comes bounding down the stairs

"Welp, that's me sorted! Uncle Lyle you really should have unpacked! Your clothes would have gotten all creased" she say pouring herself tea with enough milk to make it a milkshake

"Ah i's sure it would have been fine" he says as he and Lottie plop down on the sofa opposite Danny as the gears are turning in his head

You slippery otter

There is a slight gleam in Lyles glasses when their eyes meet

"So!" Lottie's eyes are gleaming

"Let's get down to business"

A/N - hey there! long time no see, I'm sorry for the absence but I have a very good explanation but you can read all about that in What comes next art 2 electric boogaloo   

- Danny

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now