Part 8 Chill is required

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After Danny and co had finished their work on Coast Mint, they were the first one on the plane back to Rosebud "So, did ya have a good time?" Wilber questioned Danny while they were desperately trying to buckle their seatbelt "yup I had a great time and we need to get back to Rosebud November Oscar Whisky!"

Danny said frantically "okay but you need to Charlie Hotel India Lima Lima," Wilbur said, starting the plane and taking off. Surprisingly, the plane ride did calm their nerves a bit, while walking back they were trying to decide how to break the news to Tom when they bumped into Lopez

"Bonjour Danny! how are you? I haven't seen you all day!" Danny got an idea "I'm pretty good Lopez, say if you were to tell someone some bad news, how would you do?" He looked thoughtful for a moment "well maybe give them a gift? to show that you are sorry?" he suggested "Brilliant! Thanks Lopez!" they said running towards the town hall" but once they get there they realised something

"what the french do I give them"

Danny was wildly rummaging through their pockets looking at stuff they had to give them "well Darcie gave me this pink fishing rod but I already have one so I'll give this to tom...and Isabelle can have this baby bear that Jake gave me" they put on their brave face and marched in

"Hey! how are you guys!" they said waking Tom from his nap and causing Isabell to jump "Ah hello Danny, you look...average," He said eyeing his outfit "yeah it sucks, apparently slippers are no good for garden work, but that's not why I'm here!" they announced "I brought you gifts!" they said with a flourish handing them their items.

Isabell seemed to really like the bear and judging by Tom's face he found the fishing rod amusing "Thank you Danny that's very sweet!" Isabell beamed putting the bear gently by her desk while Tom nodded in agreement "well I'm glad you like them! but also Reddisliketotallybehindallthestuffthatwentwrongtwodaysago"

Smooth Danny, smooth

Isabelle looked at her confused but Tom understood everything they just said and looked gobsmacked

"How??! how do you change an entire ecosystem?!?!" Danny then proceeded to regurgitate all the information their friends gave them about Redd. how yes, he was actually responsible for all the stuff that went down.

Tom quickly Turned to rage "That's IT! I've had ENOUGH OF HIS NONSENSE! I'm GOING TO GIVE THAT FOX A PIECE OF MY MIND!" Tom said Punching the palm of his hand

Maybe a punching bag would have been a better gift.

Isabelle, being the only voice of reason, spoke, "Tom. I know how much you want crush Redd like a can but I really don't think that is a good idea" Danny noticed her hands were shaking a bit, probably terrified that Tom was going to explode like a bomb "think about it" she continued "We have K.K coming for a concert Tomorrow and we really need to focus on that. He won't know about it and even if I announce it tomorrow there is nothing he can do about it. so please leave it for Sunday'' Isabell said firmly starring Tom dead in the eye.

Tom had calmed down after listening to Isabelle "maybe you're right" he sighed "thank you for putting me right Isabell." he said a smile, causing Isabell to blush at the sudden display of affection

"N-no problem M-Mr Nook!" Isabell stuttered looking around the room "as for you" Tom said as he turned in his chair to face Danny

Welp. this is how I die

"thank you for being here"

"pause what"

he chuckled "With you not being here, we've been dealing with a lot more of the residents than we normally would have and it drove Isabell and me insane" he said looking over at Isabell for confirmation "oh yes! It's been rather exhausting. you have quite a remarkable patience" she said beaming. Danny was in shock, compliments from Isabell and Tom...It wasn't their birthday was it?

"well thank you! it is good to know that my efforts don't go unnoticed!" they said smiling "yes only if you put more effort into your outfits" Tom said slyly "Hey! I do so!" which was followed by a lot of laughter

Time Skip to much later in the evening

Tom had put his nephews to bed and was locking the doors to resident services when he decided to go on a little night-time wander. As he roamed the silent island he was alone in his thoughts and he started to think about everything that happened in this past week, about Redd, why did he choose here? What was so special about this island that he decided to turn everything on its head?

As he was walking he found himself at the Able sister's shop all the lights were off and it looked rather dull without it but he noticed something else, it was sable sitting by the riverside looking up at the stars

"Can I join you?" Tom asked standing next to her "Oh! it's you, Tom, sorry you gave me a fright. yes, of course, you can" she says smiling at him.

They sit in comfortable silence for a while before Tom breaks it "so...What brings you out here so late?" he asked "oh well I'm always working so this is a chance for me to get outside" Tom laughs "You were always a workaholic" stable laughs back "Takes one to know one" they look at each other and smile and they being Reminiscing on their childhood memories together.

"Tom," Stable says "i-i know that w-we used to be very close, w-when we were younger and we got older and drifted a-apart bu"


Tom's head spun around to the sound of a branch being stepped on to see who was there, as he scanned the trees his eyes locked onto a pair of large green one's Redd! he sprung to his feet and sprinted in the direction of the sound, his mind racing, his heart beating. the second he ran the eyes faded away but he could still see them shining back at him.

Once he reached the spot where he saw them his heart was screaming for him to call out to him, look for him more. But his mind told him to let it go or he would wake the residents.

He made his way back to Sable, who was looking very concerned. "What was that? Is everything okay?" she asked looking Tom over "yeah it's okay it was probably just a spider" he lied knowing she wouldn't understand.

"So you were saying?" he asked resuming his place beside the river "oh i - uh forgot," she says standing "well it's getting late I should probably go back," she says pointing to the shop "ah yes I should probably get home to, check on the boys," Tom says also getting up

"well, goodnight Tom"

"Goodnight Sable" they wave and walk their separate ways.

Back behind some trees

Redd looked around to see that the girl and Tom had gone

phew, that was a close one!

He thinks walking away from the woods and onto the beach near where his ship was. He could feel his heart rate dropping but his mind was going at a mile a minute.

Why did I step on that branch? How did he see me? Why did he run after me? Why did I hide?

but one question stuck out from the rest

"Why did he run after me?"

the question seemed to hover in the evening air before dispersing into stardust, why would Tom run after him? He hated him didn't he? Was he going to throw me into the ocean? or...? something else.

Redd shook his head "you can't talk like that Redd not when you have such a big day tomorrow!" he says grinning like a fool at the stars. He makes his way back to his ship thinking about what tomorrow will bring.

Hello there! we made it to part 8! which is amazing but this story is also really close to 200 reads which is incredible! I am super glad you guys are liking this fic. It's making me want to write more. I'll catch you in the next one!


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