An Update

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Hi there! I hope that y'all are doing well. I'm sorry for not updating in a while (it was only like 5 days but it feels like a month nowadays) and there are a few things I would like to say!

1) thank you guys for 400+ reads! I was not expecting that to come from this, so thank you!

2) I would also like to thank everyone who left comments and suggestions on my last post! everything was extremely interesting! you lot are a creative bunch!

3)Because of all of your wonderful suggestions, I will need to have a long think about where I want to go with this as most of this fic was written during crackhead hour and it all just clicked (somehow) so it will be a little while longer before the next part is released. I want this to be good and good things take time! as I want to plan this out so it doesn't just look like I threw up alphabet soup on paper.

4) Because my school is just wonderful, they have given me transition work as I will be going into sixth form in September (my British peeps will know that means but for peeps in the USA that is Junior/senior year) and because it's school that will take up a considerable amount of my time because I can't hand in fanfiction and say "let me in this is all I have" so I will have dedicated days on which those parts are published. what those days are, I don't know, yet. once I've decided I'll post the next part with them listed at the end.

5) thank you all for reading and being understanding! if you have any other questions feel free to ask them in the comments and I'll make sure to get round to them all!

I'll see ya in the next part!

-Danny :)

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