Part 22 - Settled In

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What he found in his hands was a photo of four people. Kapp'n, Leilani, himself

And Tom Nook

Flipping the image over once more he realised the scrawl was kapp's

August 5th Friends Forever!

Redd felt his hands shake as his thumb gently brushed over Tom's smiling face, he could almost feel the heat radiating through the picture.

When the door to the supply room opened Redd didn't notice but his old friend saying "oh buddy" was the only thing that got him to turn his head. Only to find the larger man was sitting beside him, pulling him into a side hug.

Redd didn't do much. He was mainly forced on not letting his shaking hands rip the photo in half.

"It wasn't your fault bud"


Take a train back to Rosebud Island for a sec

After Danny closed the door he immediately began his island tour, showing them everything from the bushes to the grand museum. They were able to go over everything twice in a very short amount of time.

They made their way back to Danny's place "hmm, i think that was everything. Is there anything else you guys might need to see?" both ponder for a bit before Lyle excuses himself to go inside before they head back to resident services.

Leaving Lottie and Danny on their own

"So..." danny said averting his gaze to anywhere but Lotties observant eyes

"Lotta i-"

"I'm sorry"

E-excsue me?

Before Danny could have said anything else, the pink haired girl wrapped her arms around her old friend once more

"I'm sorry that you were going through this all alone, I had no idea what was really going on. You haven't written in awhile...i was begging to worry"

Danny let their arms wrap around Lottie and rested their head on her shoulder "I'm sorry too, i felt so guilty the way i left the academy, it wasn't professional in any way. I didn't feel like I could write to you. But your right i could have needed your help sooner"

Lottie felt herself relax a bit "you couldn't help that! It was poorly timed confession"

Danny laughed "the same goes for my poorly timed goodbye letter"

They pull away and smile "no hard feeling?"

Lottie smirked "only if you tell me what's going on with that tailoring girl"

Danny felt a blush rise to the tips of his ears ""

Lottie giggled at Danny's sluttering "but for real dude, no hard feelings"

It felt good having the air cleared, they chatted for a little bit before Lyle emerged once more "hey uncle Lyle! Ready to go?" Lyle smiled at the two and nodded as they walked back to resident services

Danny swung open the door, hoping to find a smiling Isabel and a less grumpy than usual Tom. but both seemed relatively stoned faced, with Tom being more nervous than usual.

"Hey guys, we've finished the island tour and i was hoping that you two could teach Lyle what he needs to know"

Isabell perked up "of course! Do you need both of us?"

"I'd say so It would be a good idea for you to get to know Lyle" Danny said, happy that the weird tension had vanished

"Okay now that that's sorted i'll start my one on one training with lottie" Danny says halfway out the door. The three in resident services all wave and turn to face each other.

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now