Part 3 Oh lord he angry

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"Damn that sounds scary,"

Danny said, sipping their tea. "yeah" Isabelle sighed "there was even this big crocodile guy I think his name was king k...drool? cool? I don't remember. point being he had a cannon and that was pretty unfair" Isabelle said taking a sip from her tea.

Just then Tom burst in with enough force to knock over a tree, causing Isabelle to splutter. "THAT BASTARD!" Tom yelled, slamming the door and stomping towards his desk with steam coming out of his ears.

"so..." Isabelle murmured "how do-" she couldn't finish her sentence


Tom yelled screaming into the void, he was yelling so hard he looked like a vein might pop right out of his forehead. Isabelle and Danny looked at each other and wondered what they should do next. both of them hoping they don't piss off tom even more .

Isabelle, feeling brave, decided to break the deafening silence that filled the room "so how about me and Dandelion go visit Redd and discuss what happened with the painting. in the meantime, you can..." Isabelle was stuck on what Tom could do that won't cause his mood to worsen.

"He could go visit the cranny! it just got upgraded!" Danny blurted out "yes yes! go see how your nephews are doing!" Isabelle said in agreement. Tom, slightly less fuming, grumbled a "fine" and stomped out. Isabelle and Danny slowly got up and exited the resident service.

Tom was slowly making his way across the island, walking in the opposite direction to the source of his anger. As he approached the cranny he saw the residents on his island enjoying themselves and socialising with others, and that slowly calmed down seeing the kind of life he built everything he did.

He should be proud of what he did, how far he's come. Once he reached the cranny he saw a beautiful building that he helped to create. Once he stepped inside he was immediately greeted by his nephews, Timmy and Tommy; they looked exactly like him but shorter and a bit paler.

"Hey uncle!"


"We were just setting up some more stuff"

"...more stuff"

Tom grinning now "Good to see you are keeping up with the flow of customers! let me give you a hand" he says smiling and picking up boxes. After a short while, Tom picks up a very light cardboard box so he decided to see what was inside it no orange! holding it gently he saw that it was some kind of stuffed animal. He turned it over in his hands and realised it was a small fox with a white tummy and paws, it also had a little blue apron on. as he ran his thumb through its fur he realised how soft it was

I wonder if Redd's hair is that soft..

He stopped. he thought about it, how close he got, how angry he got, he could feel his grip tightening around the plush fox

"uncle? is everything okay?" Tommy asked looking up at his uncle concerned as to why he was trying to strangle a toy "wha- ah I was um... testing the quality! yes, seeing if the stitching was good quality!" he says putting it down on a bench for sale.

"not to worry! Sable made it! so you know it will be good quality!" Tom laughed but deep down he felt guilty that he nearly let his anger break something that a dear old friend made.

"Well it looks like you have everything under control, so I'll leave you to it! take care!"Tom said walking out the store "Bye!" the twins said in unison. As Tom left the shop he found a nearby bench and sat down and put his head in his hands

god I'm an idiot he thought

I've had two interactions with him and the sight of something that merely reminds me of him makes me want to hurt him. its fur. his fur. God, I need to clear my head .

He rose from the bench and started making his way back to resident services. on his way back he runs into Ozzie "Oh hello there Mr. Nook! how are you?"

"ah hello Ozzie, and I'm doing fine" Ozzie studied his face more "are you sure? Do you want to talk about anything?" Ozzie asked, looking concerned. Tom thought that he probably wouldn't be able to shake him off

"well, Ozzie I hope you are a good lister"

~ Meanwhile on the other side of the island ~

Isabelle and Danny were standing outside of Redd's rickety-looking boat. Danny had already seen it so it doesn't really have that effect on them but Isabelle was looking a little bit pale and just in case she fell, Danny took the bouquet that they brought out of Isabelle's hands.

this caused her to snap out of it "o-oh sorry about that! I was just a little taken aback" she said, smiling and smoothing out her shirt and adjusting her ponytails. "well? shall we?" They both approach the ship and board. Once they reached the bottom Isabelle had gotten much more nervous, she had a strong grip on Danny's jumper.

Redd hearing them enter turned his attention from a painting he was working on and walked over. "hello there welcome to jolly Redd's treasure trawler how can I help you, two lovely ladies,?" he asked his voice smooth as butter "uh my pronouns are they/them" "oh my bad how can I help you lovely people?" Isabelle finally finding her sea legs said "well we just want to bring you this gift! as a welcome to Rosebud island!"

she said, nudging Danny to hand over the bunch of red and white cosmos. Redd looked at them and smiled wide "why thank you. are much kinder than your partner" Redd said sounding sly, Danny was about to protest but Isabelle jumped in "ahaha yes that's our Mr.Nook ! He always had a slight temper. I'm terribly sorry about that!"

Danny looked at Isabelle shocked by what she was hearing. "well we'll hopefully be seeing you around!" she said bashfully waving and walking out of the ship. Danny followed suit but before she left she looked at Redd and did the hand thing where they pointed at their eyes then pointed at Redd's eyes and walked out.

Once outside and out of earshot of Redd Danny lay into isabel a bit

"Isabelle. What the fuck was that" Isabelle looked at him with a lot of colour in her cheeks "hm? what was that?" she said practically on another planet.

"I said, Isabelle. What the fuck was that" she finally snapped out of it and realized what just happened.

"He was too handsome! I'm sorry Dandelion!" she splutters, suddenly very flustered

"Tom is going to kill us"

YAY we made it to part 3! Hopefully we can keep this regular upload streak going so you guys can keep enjoying it. see y'all in the next one!

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now