Part 21 - Meet your new neighbours

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"So!" Lottie said, eyes gleaming

"Let's get down to business"

Danny took a deep breath and provided an explanation for everything that has happened in what is probably the most insane week of their life. However they did leave out Toms intense bursts of rage and the fact that he nearly got freaky on a boat that's got one foot in a grave

Lottie hung on every word however Lyle was more skeptical but nodded along

"So, this where you two come in" Danny said swinging back the rest of their tea

"I'm going with Tom as a...let's say neutral party, a witness. Just in case things go wrong and whatnot" Lyle snorted into his coffee at this

"But as capable as Isabell is, I didn't want to leave her on her own. So you two will be taking over Tom and my own roll respectively"

"Lyle, I feel that Tom's job will be more suited to your skill set from your time at the academy. And Lottie you'll be the new Resident Representative"

"This sounds awesome!" Lottie says bursting with energy. "When do we start?" Lyle says placing his mug down

Danny checks their watch and their eyes widen "oh shi-"

A loud tune is heard echoing throughout the island

"Good morning residents of Rosebud! I hope you're ready for another sunny day! Later on this evening celeste will be here for a meteor shower in clear skies, and on an extra note could residents please gather at residents services for a very important announcement. That's all!"

The tune is played once more

"Welp, that's our cue" Danny says standing and leading them to the door

"Oh!" Danny spins around reaching into a bag

"you guys will need these!"

Meanwhile, it's Monday morning on Tortimer island

Redd is groggily rubbing the sleep from his eyes as Kapp'n repeatedly knocks on his door

"Rise and shine bro! It's breakfast time" Redd drags himself out of bed and opens his door just so he'll stop, don't get Redd wrong he loves the guy but boy does he get excited

"Oh good you're awake! Ra-" Kapp'n looks him up and down and laughs sheepishly "i was going to say race you to breakfast but I'll let you put some pants on"

Redd smiles weakly and shuts the door and flops down on his bed, but just before then, he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror in nothing but his boxers.

He's reminded of a memory.

It was a super hot day and Tom and Kapp'n were working outside shirtless on building some chairs. Redd was inside helping Leilani paint fruit on a wall in an old part of the resort.

"Okay i think we're done here!" she says wiping the sweat from her brow "you okay to go straight on to the sea creatures on the outside wall?" Redd nodded cleaning his hands

"Do you want me to grab you a drink or something?" Leilani stopped packing up and though for a moment "if we have any orange soda I'll have one of those, thanks"

"No problem, I'll see ya out there" Redd says meandering to the kitchen, but catches the 2 boys on his way there and feels the heat rise to his face.


Redd makes a faster venture to get those drinks before he becomes anymore hot and bothered.

Once outside he meets up with Leilani and hands her the bright orange can "Thanks Redd!"

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now