Part 1 Mysterious figure

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Danny (hey that's me!) was making their way across the beach, trying to find this 'mysterious figure' Isabelle mentioned in her island broadcast. Sure stranger danger and all that but the whole island was built on meeting new people, so what could go wrong? Just then they Heard a gentle thud, like the sound of fruit hitting the ground. They looked up to see red-headed figure shaking a nearby palm tree, trying to obtain coconuts

This must be the mysterious figure!

They thought excitedly and began to approach them. But as they got closer they noticed how tall they were, taller than you, and you were pretty tall yourself. Combine that with a pasty complexion he gave of a 'secret love child of slender man and Ron Weasley' vibe.

"Hello! I'm dandelion but most people call me Danny, what's your name?" They questioned the stranger, his emerald eyes lit up like Christmas lights upon seeing them "Why hello there Danny I'm Jolly Redd! But most people call me Redd!" He says giving her hand a vigorous shake whilst looking her up and down "say, You look like someone who appreciates art! Very fine art might I add" he says looking at your high heels, stripy trousers, and a tye-dye tank top. "Uh sure I guess so" they respond.

What does this guy smoke and where can I get some? They thought

"we'll have something for you!" he says pulling a painting of a man out of his pocket "I have this scary painting here that I know you are just itching to have. So how about I sell it to you, for just 400,000 bells?"

Danny chokes on nothing "I'm sorry how much?!" 400,000 bells for a painting! And they thought Tom Nook's home renovations costs were high.

"Okay okay too high for your liking? We because we are totally family right? I mean we're practically cousins, right? So I'll give you a family discount. How about 4,000 bells? For this wonderful painting?"

"Deal!" Danny said excitedly "Great! Pleasure doing business with ya!" Redd said, giving them the painting and swiftly taking their bells. "Well, this was fun! Hopefully, I'll see you around !" Redd said

"yes I- '' Danny started but when they looked up from their new painting the man had fully vanished.

Danny has made their way back to the plaza running into Dobie along the way "Hey Dobie! You're old! Any idea what I should do with this?" They say handing him the painting

"Slow down there kiddo! And who said I'm old? I'm wise" he croaked looking and sounding very old. "Okay well if you're so wise then what should I do with this?" They say pointing at the painting. Dobie studies it closely, taking in all of the tiny details but also taking a very long time.

"Well I don't know much about this modern art malarkey but you should probably talk to Blathers about it," he says handing back the paint "oh okay thanks anyways, gramps!" Danny says making a run for the museum "I'm not your grandpa!" He shouts after them but they were already out of earshot.

Danny came bursting into the museum with a frightful amount of noise, So much so that they woke blathers up from his small nap. "Gah! Hello?! Did the bugs get out again?!?" He says looking around frightfully "Nope. Just me blathers!" Danny says reassuringly "ah hello Danny! Welcome to the rosebud museum, can I help you with something? Find any new fossils?"

Blathers asks, smoothing down his ruffled hair "well actually I've brought you something else" they say handing him the painting "Oh! I see well let's have a look-see" he says taking the painting and putting on his glasses for further inspection "Oh my goodness! This is the famous scary painting! How did you get this!?" Blathers says looking shocked.

"Uh bought it?" Danny says, sounding unsure about how Redd got his hands on a supposedly rare painting. Blathers wasn't paying attention as he examined the masterpiece in his hands

"oh I'm so glad to have this here! We can put it in the new art gallery!" Blathers says making his way up the stairs behind him "the wha-'' Danny asked confused, then they saw the large entrance at the top of the stairs with a golden face at the top "oh that's new" they mumbled and followed blathers up into the gallery.

As he hung the painting in its place he beamed at it proudly "I'm so happy that we have this in our museum! Hopefully, we can fill this whole gallery!" He says bouncing on the spot slightly. "Well if I see any more art I'll be sure to let you know," Danny says but but blathers is extremely focused on the painting so they decided to see themselves out. Danny, now one painting less, decided to go and visit the town hall and cause more problems.

Pushing open the doors they loudly

"Good morning Isabelle! Good morning Tom!"

Isabelle jumped slightly at the sudden noise "ah hello Danny! Are you getting more Tickets?"

"Not today! I wanted to see how you guys were doing"

'we're fine" Tom grumbled in response he was slouching over his work desk looking very grumpy "ignore him," Isabel said calmly "he just in a mood"

''hey!" He replied, "it's not my fault that that new visitor was rude to me!" He said, folding his arms "oh is this Redd? He sold me a painting. Very friendly"

"see!" Isabell says pointing at Danny "they like him! Just because he looked at you funny doesn't mean you need to be mean about them!" She sounded very triumphant till Tom started speaking "well forgive me for having a bad feeling but I'm telling you, he's trouble! I can smell it!" He says his deep voice booming across the room, making Isabell and Danny go quiet. Isabelle said much less confidently "well let's just see how today and tomorrow play out!" She says trying to calm him down. Tom rolled his eyes "fine. But if he puts one toe wrong. He's gone" Tom said sternly Isabelle let out a sigh of relief.

"So would you mind telling me why Tom hates Redd so much?" Danny asked looking very confused "well this morning Isabelle and I were looking around the island when we spotted him so we tried to give him a warm welcome. But he was just staring no, glaring at me while I was trying to talk to him" Tom sighs, sounding frustrated

''Well, I'm sure he meant nothing by it. Probably just nervous" Danny said, making their way towards the door "I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about!" they shouted before walking out the door and looking at the sun. "This will be a good day for fish! I wonder if C.J is about?" Danny says before running off and getting out his fishing rod.

Wooooop chapter 1 done! I hope you guys are liking this so far!

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now