Part 17 The chase is on!

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it took a while to fully tell Redd's story

where he went after he left the resort

all the travelling

the people

the trouble

and rosebud island

Leilani sat and listened with the occasional nod. but her eyes were practically stars at this point as she hung on his every word

especially at the boat kissing scene. she saw how red he got (redder than his name!) and how he tried to hide behind his hair whenever Tom was mentioned she knew he was absolutely obsessed with him.

"and now i'm here" Redd said with a sigh looking at Leliani for some kind of negative reaction, but all he saw was understanding "you've been through a lot huh?" Redd really hadn't processed it but now the past years of his life were catching up to him, the good, the bad and the ugly.

"i..." for the first time in all of written history, Redd had nothing to say. so he just let his friend embrace him in a hug, so he let himself return it and he won't admit it but some say a few broken sobs escaped his lips

When was the last time I was hugged?

was the last thing he taught before he let his brain switch off

after what felt like forever they pulled away, Redd opened his mouth to release some witty response but Leilani was quicker

"I hope you feel better old friend, there is a shower in your room and a change of clothes, and if you put your current clothes in that basket over there they'll be cleaned for ya, breakfast is in 15 minutes!" she says giving him a pat on the shoulder and making her way out the room

Redd not wanting to be left alone with his thoughts any longer bolts for the shower and immediately hops in. and in the process nearly scolds himself when trying to fix the water temperature, but once he gets it just right he melts. When was the last time he had a proper shower? He Shakes the thought from his head as he tries to focus on getting ready. But now his head is back on his boat on Rosebud island, just him and Tom


~Meanwhile, on an island not so far away~


Tom scream as he slams open the doors of resident services, causing his assistant to nearly fall out of her chair

"I need you to find the coordinates of Tortimer island resort, quickly!"

Tom says, scrambling around his office looking for pens, while searching something on his computer. Isabelle decided that her questions will be answered faster if she just gives him what he wants

"It's um....north? Straight up and a smidge to the right?" Isabel puzzle over a very complicated map

Tom had partly ignored the rest of it, he just needed to hear that last little bit


Tom makes a little red X on his map on the wall behind his desk

"I've got you now you sly fox!"

WOOOOOOOOOOO holy shit it's been a while but don't worry daddy made you your favorite open wide. Also I plan on making character profiles for the characters so keep an eye out for that ;)

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now