Part 18 Slow down

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After Redd finished his shower and put on his clean clothes (an orange Hawaiian shirt with cargo shorts and sandals) he made his way down to the dinning hall, which was thankfully still in the same place, as it didn't look anything like it used to.

The walls were all scarily white with wooden floors. which replaced the clashing wallpaper and carpet combo they had when he was last here. one of the walls had also been knocked down and replaced with a floor to ceiling window overlooking the rest of the resort.

The room was filled with a variety of families and friends sitting around round tables covered with a white cloth, all enjoying a variety of breakfast food.

Just as redd began to feel a bit out of depth, Leilani appeared beside him "so, what do ya think?" she said, gesturing to the room "it's....amazing." Redd was still a little spacey from his early morning heart to heart (2 things redd isn't used to) so he was carefully guided to a table where he found 2 people sitting, a little girl and an old lady.

"Well well well, look who decided to come back," said the older lady, who was now staring very deeply into Redd's soul.

"glad to see you're still here to come back too" Redd shot back not missing a beat.

This caused the older lady to cackle loundly, alerting a few people around them to his presence. "good too see your still your same old self deary, now come here let me get a good look at ya!" she said, getting out of her seat and Redd crouching down so that she could actually see him.

as she was inspecting his facial features she pulled him into a surprise hug, nearly causing redd to fall over, but he soon melted into the embrace, once again being reminded of home.

"it's good to see you again Redd"

"you too Gram'"

"Now go get yourself something to eat and come back and tell me all about your travels" she said, patting him on the back pointing in the direction of the buffet.

As Redd made his way over he heard the little girl (who he's pretty sure is called Leila) whisper and shout "is that really Mr Redd Gram Gram!" he heard Gram chuckle to herself before Redd was fully out of earshot.

Despite just being told that redd was about to do most of the talking, Gram and Leila did most of the work by telling him what felt like was literally everything that happened to the hotel since he'd been gone.

He was told all about the renovation, Leila, and all the changes that had been made.

Redd actually quite enjoyed the 'no talking' thing while he shovelled the most amazing food into his mouth.

Redd would soon eat his own thoughts as a very familiar face burst through the back door.


ah fuck

~meanwhile back on rosebud island, all hell is breaking loose ~


Danny said grabbing the ever frantic tom by the shoulders and making him face them


Tom tried to read their expression but he couldn't tell if danny was going to punch him or cry, but Danny's more british slang was coming out so they are definitely pissed

Tom lets out most of his energy with a sigh "right, lets talk" he says, guiding Danny to the small living space in Tom's apartment. as Danny bore holes into Tom's soul he began to explain himself.

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now