Part 16 - Got ya

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Tom decided to take the long route to the sea plane Airport

(yes that's what it's called, no they couldn't call it the airport because "That's not the correct terminology")

just to clear his head as the last week has been nothing but intense.

While thinking about everything, he was drawn back to when he and Sabel first met, in their childhood village Nook's family had just moved in and he was taking a wander round when he found her swimming in the river. He had been so surprised to see another person there that if by (plot) magic, the branch he was leaning on snapped andand he fell in

Now would be a good time to mention that (at the time) Tom did not know how to swim.

So Sable giving him CPR as he nearly drowned, was definitely not the first introduction he had intended on, nonetheless it was an interesting story.

By the time his mental movie had ended, he had made it to the Seaplane Airport.

"Good morning Tom!" Orville Greeted with a happy smile "Morning Orville, how are things?" Tom replied "Good! Everything's in top tip shape! Is there something I can help you with?"

"Erm, well maybe"

"Try me! I'm smarter than I look"

"I have a question about a boat"

".....This is a sea Plane Air port Tom, you do know that right?"

"Yes yes of course I know that, but I'm talking about Redd's boat"

Tom could practically see the gears turning Orville's brain, but eventually the light bulb turned on

"OH THAT GUY!....if this question is still about boats I don't know if I'm going to be much help"

Tom tried not to let out a sigh but it was only 10:04 and his patience was running thin.

"Not a mechanical question, more a have you seen it kinda question, as it left this morning and I need to find Redd"

Tom could practically see the loading screen in his brain

"Tom if I'm being honest, I don't think I ever saw it"

Tom felt his soul hit the floor

"Ah that quite alright Orville" Tom said trying hard to not murder the blue haird pilot.

"Well well well, what's happenin' "

Rounding the corner from the docking station was Wilbur, Orville older brother (they also looked the same but he had a beard and wore shades 24/7)

"Ah Nook, didn't expect to see ya here, what's up?"

"He's asking if we've seen Redds boat, that ginger guy who messed up divas house"

I mean that's one way to describe someone

"Dodgy lil thing that falling apart"

"That's the one"

"I saw it heading north yesterday afternoon"

Tom's eyes lit up "What time was this?"

"Saw him around 3pm, he'd only been out for an hour, meaning he left the island at around 2m ish" he says completely chilled out

"Right, thank you so much, you've both been amazing help" Tom said making a swift exit and dashing back to resident services. Leaving the brothers rather confused

I've got you now you sly fox!

~ meanwhile in a very nice resort ~

Redds nice deep sleep was very rudely interrupted by a very heavy force throwing themselves onto his bed


Redd, having only been conscious for about 5 seconds groggily looked at the mass that just spoke to them, that mass was a child, and the child for some reason knew his name.

The child in question was small, probably 6 or 7. She had a red dress and matching sandals, and her dress and a tiny little green frog on it. She had short brown hair scraped into little pigtails, tied up in bobbles with bright yellow flowers. And she was looking at him like he was buried treasure.

"Um.....yeah I'm...Redd" it was too early for this nonsense in redds opinion and tried to roll back into sleep,


"whoa, slow down there kidd"

mama and papa she couldn't mean...

"Say kid, your ma wouldn't happen to be-"


the shout caused both Redd and Leila to jump, and Redd couldn't believe who was stood right there

"Well, if it isn't miss Leilani" Redd said colly, making Leilani shoot dagger back

"Leila out, NOW!" The kid quickly left the room

Now it was just Redd and Leilani

Before he could even take In a breath she spoke "2 question, what the fuck, and why the fuck" she said, hands on her hips having not changed the day he left the resort.

"'s a long story" Leilani promptly sat down on his bed opposite him

"I've got time"

Oh boy

A/N sorry if this is rather short, I've got a 3 hour car journey tomorrow so I'm trying to be as rested as possible, also I'll be making a profile book for the guys in my book soon!


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