Part 6 A Series of unfortunate events

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When Danny woke up this morning and expected complete and utter pandemonium, like trees on fire kind of insanity.

but when they peeked around their curtains...there was nothing, everything looked normal. so they went around their normal morning routine by making a cup of tea and having some toast. This peace and quiet was short-lived as there was someone intensely banging at their front door.

and when they opened it they found Tank there, looking more anxious than normal "Hey Champ can I come in okay thanks!" he says barging inside and slamming the door. "Hey man what gives!" Danny said, sounding agitated then they saw that his left eye was all swollen "oh my... I'll get the medicine"

While they applied the medication to Tank's face they started talking "so, how did you get stung? you're normally very careful" he looked very embarrassed. "Well I was out on my 50 miles warm-up jog and I heard buzzing so I assumed it was a bee. but it got louder! and angrier! and before I knew it I was consumed by wasps! they just came out of nowhere!" Danny thought for a second.

"Did you find the hive?"

if there was a hive then it probably wasn't Redd

"yup. about 10 trees behind me"

"huh okay, it was probably an old hive that just fell down or something " Danny said not wanting to draw any attention to the fact that it could be a prank "okay, thanks champ! I'll be careful!" Tank said looking much more cheerful than when he came in. Danny tried to go back to their breakfast but both her tea and toast had gone cold

damn it nature.

Meanwhile, on the other parts of the island, some islanders were waking up to some rather nasty shocks Flurry, Dobie, and Ozzie had received letters in the post along with a package. The letter read,

Dear Islander,

We regret to inform you that we have received multiple complaints from your fellow residents about your choices of outfit and accessories. to prevent this from happening we have enclosed a new outfit for you to wear while wandering around the island.

Thanks, Resident services :)

but the outfit inside was absolutely not more appropriate and about 10 times worse than what they usually wore. Dobie was sent a super girl dress (like the thing sailor moon wears) white fishnets and sparkly pink heels. Ozzie was sent a black leather jacket with a kilt and a long one too, it nearly touches the floor along with bright yellow crocs. Flurry was sent a ski mask, a red Victorian dress and purple rain boots.

Due to all of the girls staying at Flurries last night they were absolutely outraged "how dare they say that!" "your outfit is fine!" "you wear a jumper and a white skirt I don't see what's wrong with that?" Flurry, not wanting to get on the bad side of Isabelle and Mr. Nook puts on the outfit, however, the dress is too short, it nearly reaches her knees.

Ozzie and Dobbie also complied with their notes however, Dobie didn't wear the heels "I'm too old for this" he said

Everyone planned on complaining but resident services didn't open for another hour, this resulted in a lot more wasps being set loose and Danny becoming a medic for a long part of their morning.

Once they finally got outside they noted Flurry Dobie and Ozzie standing outside resident services in their interesting choice of clothing "Woah is it fancy dress day today? did I miss that memo" they started to laugh at their own joke but stopped when they saw that no one was laughing with them. "heh...heh...okay why all the long faces?"

"you wouldn't happen to know anything about this? would you powderpuff?" flurry asked handing her the letter "we all got one" Danny's eyes scanned over the letter

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now