part 13 - back to normal?

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After the 3 had Finished rejoicing, they made their way outside, only to be met with, well everyone!

The villagers Diva, Tank, Dobie, Flurry, Bluebear, Francine, Lopez, Billy, Ozzie and Pinkie

As well as Blathers, the able sisters, the dodo brothers, Timmy and Tommy

"Wha- what is all this?" Tom swivelled round to see if Isabell or Danny had any clue as to what was happening but they looked just as clueless.

"Well" blathers started "we all wanted to come together and say well, thank you! For all that the 3 of you do for us!"

"You do so much for us to give us the best life" Tank shouted

"And give us a chance to build our career up!" cheered Mable

"And we know it's not much, but it's the least we can do to say thank you" says Flurry who emerged with a large cake with blue icing, and a little island made out of fondant on top, while this was happening the able sisters had given Isabell and Danny a bouquet of flowers.

Tom didn't know what to do, he'd never been shown such kindness before

Buy he found his hands clasped over his mouth, a smile escaping and tears forming in his eyes

"Th-thank you, thank you all so much!"

The cowed cheers while Tom found himself wrapped in a hug with isabella and Danny, letting a few silent tears escape

The rest of the day was spent with games and cake on the most southern part of the beach, laughing, talking, enjoying the sun

Everyone had pretty much forgotten the morning

Well, almost everyone

There was one man who hadn't forgotten

However he had already travelled several natural miles, he had nearly arrived at his final destination

But no matter how far he got, the memory was as clear as day

Eventually, he pulled up to a large island one may call it a tropical resort of sorts, as he tied his boat down, a old man emerged, he was wearing a red hawaiian shirt, had a very long beard and walked was a cane, but despite all if this, he Still moved with relative speed.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you again." He said half joking, half sounding serious

"I- um..." Redd was unsure of what to say, as he genuinely didn't plan coming back here, but he did have the time to think of a response as he was dragged down to the old man's height and pulled into a hug

"It's good to see you again my boy"

"It's good to see you too, tortimer"

Once they pulled away, the old man known as tortimer got a hold of redds face, while he was still at his level, he smiled

"You haven't changed a bit, Rupert"

Redd laughed "I thought I told you to call me Redd" he jeered, dusting himself off

But Tortimer caught him on the head with his cane "and I thought I told you to call me pa, ya whippersnapper!"

They both laughed "but do come inside, the girls will be happy to see you again"

Tortimer said, ushering him inside "Thank you, but don't worry I'll be out of your hair by tomorrow"

Suddenly Tortimer's cane appeared in front of Redd, stopping him in his tracks

"You better stop that talk now boy, you know full well that your welcome to stay here along as you like"

Redd let himself crack a smile "thank you"

"Now tell me, what's been going on"

"It's....a long story"

"I've got time"

"You sure about that old man"


Meanwhile, back on rose bud island...

Tom and Isabell sat slouching in their chairs, having just finished typing up from their afternoon In the sun

"Right'' Isabll said standing up "I'd better be getting home, I'll have probably burnt from today's activities" she said as she gathered all of her things "Oh! Do remind me tomorrow to put together a price for K.K slider's visit next weekend

Now Tom had definitely 110% been listening but that caught his attention

"Remind you about what?" He said peeling himself away from his chair and stretching out his back

"You know! How K.K Slider said he'd wanted to come back, so I booked him for next Saturday"

A quick flashback played through Tom's mind as he remembered today's events

"Of course-" but before he could finish his sentence, his assistant was out the door

Tom let out a heavy sigh and made his way to the flat above the resident services where he and his 2 nephews lived

Once he entered, it was too quiet. He immediately went to go check on them, finding them tucked away in their beds for the night.

He smiled, happy to see them safe and sound. He stifled a yawn as he closed the door and cret his way to his own bed.

He Snuggled into his blanked and let today's events fully drain him as tomorrow was Sundays which only meant one thing

Tom's day off

Or would it?

A/N WOOOOOOO LETS GOOOO also for all of you who don't know who tortimer is, he's this Turtle that used to be the mayor of the village you run in ACNL when he retired he runs a small island with like games that you go play with your friends however for the sake of plot this is like a full blown stay overnight holiday resort. And his family is a bunch of kapas

See you tomorrow,


We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now