Part 19 A day of...Relaxation?

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the yelling man couldn't finish his sentence before Leilani came up and smacked him over the head with a hand towel

"dear. We've talked about this. no. swearing" she said ready to kill him

"Ah sorry Sweetie!" The man said trying to save his life

"I'M JUST SO EXCITED TO SEE MY BRO" he yelled making his way over to his friend to give him a tight hug

Redd feeling the air leave his lungs and his breakfast rising in his throat he slapped the bicep of his old friend who had hugged him from behind


with a sheepish grin Kapp'n let him go "hehe, sorry bout that, I'm just so excited to see you man! you should have told us you were coming! we could have, like, done something!"

Redd felt the red rush to his cheeks at the idea that someone could be so excited to see him

"i'm...flattered Kap but i think that would kill me" he said trying not to sound ungrateful, but Kapp'n didn't seem to care, he was just supper happy to see his best friend again

"that's okay just tell me where you've been man!" he said sitting beside him and Leilani sitting on his other side

pushing his now empty plate away he began on his very long story filled with dramatic flair and totally true fights which he totally won.

but to some it up in short, after he left Tortimer Island when he turned 19 and travelled around to different cities and villages making and selling art, often leaving out the fact that his art wasn't always his

Kapp'n and Leila watched in awe as he talked. but Leilani and Gram were more just happy to see him again, and fully knew his stories were about 70% bull shit

"BUT BUT MISTER" Leila shouted, reaching out from her seat, eager to have her question answers

"Leila shh, let him talk" Kapp'n said not in a "parent talking to their child" way but more in a "i want to hear the rest of this story" way

"ah it's okay kap" Redd turned his attention to Leila "what's ya question little lady" he said bringing out his charm

"HOW did you..get your uh boat? i thought you didn't like em'"

She said it with the confidence you only get as a child and Redd was slightly taken aback by it, so looked at Kapp'n and Leilani for guidance as to why she may think he disliked boats

"they told her the story of that one time you and Kapp'n went out for fish, and you thought you saw a shark, and fell in, causing you to swim all the way home and for kapp'n to swim after you" Gram said with a chuckle

"MA!" Kapp'n yelled looking slightly embarrassed at the returning memory

"we usually tell her a story before bed and we had ran out of books that she wanted to read so we started tell her stories about the four of us" Leilani said, feeling slightly guilty

"well little lady, i wasn't the biggest fan of boats in ma youth, but the boat was the best option for me so i buried my fears and took the wheel and set sail"

Redd was able to say it with enough vigour and flair that Leila had fully forgotten she asked a question.

"like i was say-ACK" suddenly Redd felt a watch on the back of his neck

"Now that's enough chatting from you whippersnappers!" it was none other then tortimer himself

"you've got work to do, now chop chop" he said clapping his hands causing everyone to get up and start moving, even young Leila and old Gram

Well I guess I'll just take a walk around the resort...

"NOT So Fast boy!" tortimer said appearing in front of him

"i've got just the job for you..." he said dragging Redd to a room on a different room that was filled esels, art supplies and some very eager hotel guests

oh for fuck's sake

Fast forward to dinner time

Redd was absolutely shattered, tortimer had decided that he would take over the art activities for the day and his remaining days there, with absolutely 0 warning, but he managed to smooth talk his way through 3 classes of people, and everyone looked relatively happy after so maybe today wasn't wasted after all.

He had some time before Dinner was served so he took some time to walk around and see all of the changes made.

He found himself at the reception area, with it being evening no one was here so it was eerily quiet, but that was perfect for him, as he just found his old mural

His magnum opus if you will

A large wall painting of the island in its hay day, filled with sun,sky and various parts of nature with the title WELCOME in large bright letters

No matter how far you stepped back you still can' see it all in one go

And no matter how close you get, you will still miss some details.

So he sat against the reception desk to try and take it all in in one go

A long while ago when the island had only just been considered a resort , it wasn't doing too well and they were struggling to find ways to bring in new people. So Redd did what he did best.

He painted

He painted for 7 days straight

And it was so worth it

It allowed the Resort to reach his full potential, and even further then that

"Everything we have right now, we own to you Redd, That extra room is yours! You come back whenever you need to, okay?"

The memory lingeried in his mind for a while, sometimes he can't fathom the fact that this business wouldn't be there if not for him.

But keeps it in mind that he wouldn't have what he had if not for them,

Would I even be alive if it wasn't for the old man?

"Okay, that enough thinking of my own mortality for one day, time to see what's for dinner"

As he got up to walk away from the reception area he let himself smile as he remisted upon his teen years of adventure with Kapp'n Leilani

And Tom

"only if he knew" he said making his way to his table


oh btw, everything that happened in part 14 to now happened on monday. The next Part should be on a tuesday! i'm tempted to go back through and add dates to everything to make the timeline a little more clear :D


We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now