Part 15 - Deeper shade than the curtain

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Tom had made his way over to the able sister's clothes shop. It's a quaint little location, made from blue and white wood with a big window in the front displaying what they were selling that day. Today's outfit is cream trousers with a pale blue button up. All paired with a burgundy bow tie, fedora and black and red suspenders.

However, the lights were still out as it was Sunday. "Damn it, they won't open till 10" He muttered looking at his watch "9:33" it Read

Tom went to the window and pressed his face against it to try and get the attention of either of the sisters that may be in the shop, as fate would have it, Mable was in the shop.

Tom gave a little tap on the glass window to get her attention, causing her to jump at the sudden noise, realising who It was she waved back bashfully. Tom returned the wave, as well as pointing at the door, mable quickly ran over and let him in.

"Good morning Tom!" She said cheerily locking the door behind him "Good morning to you too, how have you and Sable been?" The mention of Sable caused Mable to grin "Good! Business has been booming so she's been keeping herself busy, although I do wish she'd get out more" she huffed, you wouldn't believe the Mable was about 6 years younger then her sister Sable.

Both sisters look the same for most of their life, most people often co fused them for twins, both had wild brown curls, which they both had pushed back with headbands, however as they got older,

However, once Mable discovered the wonders of hair dye, so her hair has been as blue as can be since age 10, she also never developed her sisters freckles either, despite being younger, she's about 3 inches taller to boot

"It's good to hear that both of you are doing so well!" Tom smiled for what might have been the first time that day.

"So did you come here for a reason?" Mable asked, a little sparkle in her eye

"Well as you can see, I'm an absolute mess" Tom said gesturing to his ruined clothes "I was wondering if you happen to have any more of our shirts, we've ran out at RS" he said a little bit sheepish


She sounded a little bit surprised, odd

"Of course we do, just head into the changing room over there, I'll be back in a bit" she smiled and dashed into the back.

Tom made his way to the changing room and closed the curtain behind him "phew" he found himself talking out loud "I'm so glad they're here, or I'd be absolutely screwed" sure they don't have a uniform for people on the island, but personally Tom would feel rather out of place.

~ in the back ~

Sable had been sewing away In the back, making sure that they had enough inventory for the next week. When suddenly, Mable dashed in the back and started shoving things into a box

" good sis?" Sable immediately regretted that, as when Mable turned around she had the look of someone who had a plan

Oh goodness what now? Is all Sable could think

"Heyyyyyyy sis" she said sliding up to her sister

"What do you want"

"Can you put these out" front for me!" The blue haired girl said thrusting a box full of clothes to her

"...sis, you know I hate working in the front, besides I thought you finished ages ago"

Mable already knew what to say

"Well it won't be another 20-ish minutes before people start coming in, and besides you need to do more than just sit and sew"


"No buts! Now get out there" mable, literally throwing her out the door into the shop

Sable sighed, knowing she lost yet another battle with her sister and started to stock the rails that displayed clothes at the back of the shop.

Several minutes later

Sable had just about finished when she noticed there were a few items at the bottom of the box with a stick note attached

Just display these in the changing room ;)

Sable let out another hefty sigh, before she started to angrily talk to herself

"Why on earth do we put clothes in the dressing room?! I mean that's the opposite point of a dressing room, you go in and try the clothes on that you like, I mean what if we don't even have the right size for what we have on display i-"

While Sable was talking to herself, she hadn't noticed that she had made it to the dressing room, thrown open the curtains and took a few steps in when she realised that Tom Nook was standing there, in only his boxers. Looking rather confused as to why Sable was angrily yelling about clothes.

Sable, slowing realising what is happening, drops the box, slams the curtain closed and barely makes it round the corner before curling up in a ball, going a deeper shade of red then the curtain and regretting everything and anything shes ever done

"Um Sable? okay?"

When Sable looked up, it as was Tom, thankfully, he was fully clothed this time, specifically in the clothes she brought through

"Oh, um yes?" Sable honestly wasn't quite sure herself,

"Would you like some help off the floor then?" It took her a few seconds to realise that she was still on the ground, reluctant and flustered she accepted his help but was unable to meet his gaze.

After dusting off her apron she apologised about 59 times for walking in, as mable didn't tell her that he was in there.

"Hehe, it's okay. Besides back in our youth you've probably seen me in worst states"

This definitely made Sable laugh, tom may come off as all business but he always had a soft spot for Sable

"But I must be off, you've done an amazing job with these clothes! And I love the new fleece jacket!" Tom said touching the sleeves of his jacket as he walked out the door

"Oh bye!-" Sable waved as he walked out but the moment he was out of sight, she felt it. It was like a force, or maybe it was a pain, but whatever it was it was smack bang in the middle of her chest.

She gets it every time she sees him

"Sooooo did you secure the bag?" Mable says appearing out of nowhere behind her sister, causing her to jump "JEEZ SIS, DON'T DO THAT" Sable sighs, having just had enough surprises to last her a lifetime

"and no, I didn't" she says glaring at her sister while she pats her on the shoulder "there is always next time!"

"Yeah.... "

Next time

A/N BOMB BABY, 15 PARTS, AND 2 IN THE SAME DAY? WHAT IS THIS CHRISTMAS?! but fr, I feel a bit like the hype for this ship has died a bit but I love this story to much to just let it die, so thank you all so much for being here, each one of you mean so much,

- Danny

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now