Part 9 The Bang

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It was a sunny Saturday morning on the island and there was an infectious buzz going through the air as K.K Slider was visiting today for a special concert, the plaza was all done up with banners and flowers that Leif had grown. They had a small stage set up and enough chairs to fit everyone. Timmy and Tommy were dusting and setting up chairs, Mable and Stable were helping put up the bunting which they made and Isabelle had a checklist and was going around making sure everything was in place.

Tom was also there watching, making sure that nothing was to go wrong "Tom?" Isabelle said behind Tom, causing him to jump slightly. "wah- Ah hello Isabelle, what can I do for you?" Isabelle looks nervous "well... I just wanted to know if you were okay" Tom was taken aback by the question "It's just with the whole Redd thing this week, you seemed so tense I just wanted to make sure you were okay"

Isabelle was practically hiding behind her clipboard. Tom smiled at the thought that she cares about him so much "Thank you Isabelle. But really I'm okay, I promise. Besides, this will be good for the island and the residents. It will help them to unwind and relax" he said, giving her a comforting pat on the back. "Now if you'll excuse me," Tom says checking his phone "I have to go pick up our superstar," he says grinning from ear to ear "you be good boys," he says waving to his nephews

"Of course uncle nook!" they said in unison as he made his way to the airport.

As he walked to the airport he noticed Danny making their way to the plaza dressed much for normally than usual

guess even they have standards

As he approaches the airport he gets a sudden wave of nervousness.

Relax Tom it was him who wanted to come here, it's going to be fine Redd can't do a thing.

Tom enters the airport to see Wilbur and Orville chatting with K.K and another man which he didn't recognize. K.K was drop-dead gorgeous; he had white hair that gathered in a bundle of curls on his head; he had black-rimmed glasses as well, along with a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and grey trainers.

He didn't look like someone special, he looked normal which is probably one of the reasons he was so popular. However, the other man with him looked like someone very important. He was tall, super tall and wide too. He was wearing a navy blue blazer with a white t-shirt and matching trousers. He also had ginger hair like Redd but it was short on the sides and medium on the top.

As Tom approached them K.K slider noticed him "hey there, you must be Tom, it's great to finally meet ya!" he says holding out his hand it took tom a second to fathom what was going but also shook his hand "yes, it's an honour to finally meet you too, its pleasure to have you hear" he says trying to act cool but really inside it was like the 4th of July

[can I make that reference even though I'm British?]

"Well that's good to know. I've never done an island gig before so it'll be a learning experience for all" they both chuckled "Also this is Copper, my personal security guard. I brought him with me just for the experience" Copper shook Toms had quite vigorously "Copper at your service! thank you for having us" he said very loudly Tom a bit bewildered "would you like a tour of the island Mr slider?" he says, sounding hopeful "yeah, we've got time to kill, also call me Totakeke "will do!"


As they walked around the island Tom showed them all the sights, the shops, and said hello to the odd resident

and not a single fox insight! This is fantastic!

he thought as they made their way to the plaza. as they approach they see that every single resident is there "do you want to go round back and prepare and I'll go up and say a few words?" Totakeke gave him the thumbs up as he headed behind the resident services building with copper walking swiftly behind them.

Tom headed round the front he was going to stand to the makeshift stage before he heard Timm shout from the crowd "You can't stand on there Uncle Nook! it's for K.K Slider only!" "...K.K Slider only!" Tommy echoed. He laughed at their dedication.

As he stood in front of the stage and looked out at the crowd he could feel his heart swell with pride

"Hello Residents of Rosebud! I would like to thank you all for coming here today to see K.K slider but this couldn't be done without the help of some very important people to start I'd like to thank personally Timmy and Tommy for helping to build such a wonderful stage for K.K here today, I'm sure he'll greatly appreciate it. I'd also like to thank Danny, our resident representative who without them I don't think just Isabelle and I would be able to keep this island as in good nick as you do! And I'd also like to thank Isabelle. who, without her, I don't know where I'd be as she isn't just my secretary. she's probably one of the most loyal and trustworthy friends I've ever had the honour to work with"

He could see her tearing up slightly in the crowd "and I'd also like to thank all of you as if I were to thank you all individually we'd be here all day so thank you all so very much for being here. Now you've probably heard enough of my ramblings so I'd like you to give a warm welcome to K.K slider!"

as he went around back to see if he was ready Totakeke was already making his way around so Tom gave him a thumbs up and stood at the back with a copper, who was looking a bit rosy, as was Totakeke but Tom decided that that was a question for another time as the applause dies down he starts to speak "Hey all you cool cat's and kittens I'd like to thank y'all for having me here. this one goes out to all you cool cats on Rosebud. I call it "New Horizons" as he starts to play and sing while everyone is watching and paying attention, some even begin to sing along. And once the song is over and the loud clapping is over K.K speaks again

"Thanks for all the love on that one, but now it's time for a classic"

Everyone is so enchanted by his voice that they don't hear it, it's very soft, but it's there. like the ticking of a bomb.

nobody saw it coming.

Suddenly, the two left legs on stage disintegrated before everyone's eyes and K.K was sent flying. Copper was there in a shot and scooped him up and to him to the back of the resident service building. Tom stood there shocked, he watched as his perfect day came undone, and before it even started it was over. Isabelle and Danny started ushering people back to their homes while Timmy and Tommy went to look at the stage.

"Uncle Tom" Tommy shouted snapping Tom out of his trance "Come look at this!" he slowly made his way over to what they were looking at, they were holding the broken stage supporters "the other two were made out of hardwood, but this is softwood!" Tommy says "and the inside is all brown and stuff, like rotting turnips!" Timmy says

Isabelle and Danny both hear this and they see Tom looking at the ground holding the support. not saying a word.

Danny draws breath to say something but before any sound comes out Tom throws the wood into the river with immense force. Copper and Totakeke come back around just in time to see this "ah Mr. Slider you're okay!" Isabelle says Tom spins around at the sound of his name to see that he is truly unharmed "Totakeke I am-" but Tom didn't get to fish his sentience "you don't need to apologise, Tom, I heard your little introduction and i know how much you care about you islanders and that this was just an accident don't worry about it!" Totakeke says, coolly "well thank you so much Totakeke for your kindness but I must go as I have urgent matters to attend to". Tom says speed walking his way away from the plaza.

Isabelle and Danny knew that there was no use in trying to stop him so they just had to continue without him.

as Tom marched down to the beach there was only one thought going through his mind

Im going to make that sly fox wish he was never fucking born!

yo we at part 9! things are getting heated! I hope you guys are enjoying this! and if the next part does well, I want you guys opinion on some ways to go with the story. stay safe

- Danny! : )

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now