Who what when where and why

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why hello my lovelies, and i would like to give a warm welcome back to my animal crossing fic that I started writing 2 years ago

but you may be asking, Danny, why on earth would you come back to it? it's been so long!

well I received a rather large stack of nice comments and messages asking me to continue writing and/or if I'll finish. 

so I thought why tf not,  and I am a huge suck up for nice comments.


for a lot of people it would be very hard for them to stop writing and then try and ic up where they left off

I haven't been not writing for all the time. (is that a double negative?)

 I was re-writing another fic that some of you may be familiar with. 

it is none other then my DevilDice Family AU One Fine mess of a family      

that fic had a choke hold on my brain for about a solid month.

but that allows me to seamlessly plug my AO3 (name UN), which is where the re-write is found and also where you can find this fic! I'm trying to make the amount of chapters the same on both platforms as it's become very unbalanced. 

but back to this fic! as this is probably why 99.9% of you are here.

i am going to try my hardest to finish this fic to a standard that I've set. but this maybe very hard as, as much as I love this ship. my heart was far more set on back in 2020 when my brain was 100% animal crossing

further more, 2020 Me had apparently never heard of note taking, so I spent a lot of time re-reading the fic to try and figure out what my plan was, and if I'm being honest I was kind of just bullshitting my way through a lot of that writing near the end.

Further more. I'm trying to keep it down to only 30 Parts of actual story. and maybe an epilogue if I still have any brain cells left. 

and to top it all off I have to make something as a part of my collage summer project idk if any of you remember but  in one of my author notes I talk about doing transition work for Sixth form (it's a British thing dw about it)     

so there is a lot to play for! but ima try my darndest to finish this!

but before I go, I wanted to go on the record and write a little time line of when stuff happens in the story, as going back I found it hard to remember when stuff was happening. so here ya go!

Pt 1 - Tuesday Week 1 

Pt 2 - 5 Wednesday

Pt 6 - Thursday

Pt 7 - 8 Friday

Pt 9 - 13 Saturday

Pt 14 - this part starts on Sunday but there is a brief shift back to Saturday night but then back to Sunday

Pt 15 - 19 Sunday 

Pt 20 - Monday Week 2

i would Put predictions for the remaining chapters but atm i don't have enough planned yet 

But i think that's everything i had to say... 

Oh! there is one more thing, i mentioned at the begging that there would be no smut in this fic because i had very little experience as a writer....well it's a good thing that I've had practice

See you next one, 

-Danny :)

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