Part 4 Brownies hit the fan

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Tom boomed, banging his fists on the table so loud that every single island inhabitant cool felt a disturbance in the force. Tom was about as Red as the islands Appels and with the amount of rage, he was showing he could probably pulverise one just by looking at one.

"we u-umm thought i-it would be nice t-to br-bring him some f-flowers as a p-peace offering" Isabelle explained he voice now a wobbling whisper "YOU GAVE THAT SLY FOX A GIFT?! A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS NO LESS!!" Then the real fight started.

Isabelle gained a bit of confidence and began to argue back "well it's not my fault that I try to be friendly with everyone that comes to this island!!" They continued to bicker back and forth so Danny decided to take a seat beside Ozzie and give him a bag of popcorn "so, did you come here to pay off your loan and get caught up in this storm?" They asked seeing how scared he looked

"Oh no I walked with Mr.Nook back here for a chat and some apple pie",

"He wanted to talk to you? huh. never took tom for a talker. What did he want to talk about?"

Danny asked, assuming it would be boring tax stuff. Ozzie then began to tell them everything that Tom told him about Redd, about Fox Plush and how he nearly disintegrated it. Danny listened to every detail, wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

That's when they knew that this was going to be a Wild ride.

Ozzie and Danny turned their attention back to Isabelle and Tom's heated argument just when it was getting interesting

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A PUSHOVER THEN MAYBE YOU COULD HAVE KNOCKED SOME SENSE INTO HIM!" Tom yelled only realising how hurtful he was when he saw Isabelle's face begin to crumble "no w-wait i-" but Isabelle already had made her way out the door.

Tom looked utterly defeated and sunk into his office chair running his hands through his hair. Danny drew breath to say something but Tom cut them off "Don't say a word. just leave" Danny and Ozzie immediately got up and dashed out of resident services.

God, I am a fool

Once Danny and Ozzie made it a safe distance from resident services Ozzie immediately began to panic "do you think he's okay? should we check on him? or go find Isabelle?" Danny, feeling bad that Ozzie had gotten caught up in this mess decided to distract him. not wanting to cause him any more upset

"hey! It's okay! I'll sort this out, why don't you...head over to the museum! blathers is having a special event today!" Ozzie, looking much more hopeful, said goodbye and made his way to the museum. Danny did a full 180 and started making their way back to Redd's boat.

If you want something done right you've gotta do it yourself.

Once they reached Redd's boat they made sure not to make too much noise while they walked down the creaky staircase. as they reached the bottom they heard a voice, is that...Lopez? no, too high...Francine?, not posh enough...Diva! they used the video recorder on their nook phone to peek around the corner

They could see Redd and Diva looking at a...mixer?

I didn't know Redd did furniture.

They could hear bits of their conversation "oh this is top of the line I promise you, darling." Redd purred his voice like butter "omg, Redd your soooo right! I'll definitely take it!" She could hear Diva giggling and twisting her hair around her finger from here.

Why is every female on this island attracted to him?

"Well I'll see you around~" Diva was giggling like a schoolgirl and Danny was trying not to gag

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now