Part 7 connecting some dots

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Danny made sure to get up bright and early this Friday morning just in case they ran into any more of yesterday's nonsense. a friend of theirs had recently moved to an island and they were going over there to support them, along with a few others.

They needed help with weeds and what not so they all agreed to help. "hey Danny! Welcome to dodo airlines! what can I help you with?" Orville said, smiling

god that smile could kill

"I um- want to fly!" Danny says forgetting how words work "Roger that! and where do you want to go?"

"Coast mint island! it's a best friend" Orville looked confused "hmm coast mint you say? I'll have to look that up" Danny was rather surprised "the island is really that new? I though all islands in the area were automatically put in the system?" Orville continued to type "well technically yes, but we need to change the island's status to if people are living there or not" he smiles at his computer "okay you're all set!" They smiled and bid them farewell and boarded the plane.

As they were flying over coast mint Danny looked out the window to see an island covered in Wildlife "Man I can't remember the last time Rosebud looked like that, it looks so peaceful" Then they remembered all this Tom Nook and Redd nonsense.

No, not today. today is about Lily-Grace and her island.

As the plane landed they hopped off and thanked Wilbur for the safe flight. As they entered the airport they were greeted by Oscar, who worked the airport (imagen like a nurse joy type of thing but they all have different names either starting in O or W) "hello! and welcome to Cost mint!" Oscar said just as happy as Orville they waved hello before they saw their friend

"Lily-Grace!" they screamed running up to her and giving her a hug "Dandelion! Hello!"

Lily-Grace said "oh my god, my full name sounds gross" Danny groaned and pulled away from the hug "but you always call me Lily-Grace!" she protested jokingly "yeah but you're not named after a weed!" They both laughed and realised they missed each other's company. just then they saw the arrivals sign change

Incoming: Jake: Gamersvill

"Oh my god he really named his island that," Danny said flabbergasted as Jake waltzed into the airport like he owned the place. "hey! how are my dudes doing" he said, giving them both a hug

"doing pretty good, the cranny just got updated!" Danny smiled, on the other hand, Lily-Grace looked exhausted "it's been really hard! it's like I'm a parent or something" she sighed as Jake gave her a sympathetic pat on the back "oh hold up look lively we've got another one!" they all turned to check the arrivals sign

Incoming: Darcie: Maspu

"Does anyone know how to pronounce that?" Danny asked. they all shook their heads. A few minutes later Darcie popped her head around the corner and quickly made her way over to her group of friends

"hi guys how are you?" she asked very quietly "are you okay? you look a little pale" Danny said looking concerned "well will is a very aggressive flyer and I am very much not" she laughed nervously. she then jumped when she heard the arrival sing ping

Incoming: Frederick: StoneCourt

"Call him by his full name and I'll feed you to the scorpions," Danny threatened. Jake was now biting on his bottom lip to make sure he didn't laugh. Fritz strolled around the corner looking about as cool as a cucumber. literally. They have green hair

"Woah! your hair looks sick dude!" jake said impressed "yeah it turned out really good!" Danny complemented "thanks you guys, im glad you like it," they said looking pleased. they heard the ping of the arrivals board once again

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now