Part 5 What comes next?

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"That bastard! how could he! he could have killed her!" Tom yelled flying into a fit of rage spewing out curses to Redd like they were bullets.

"TOM! ya need to chill" Danny said trying to stop him from swearing more "I understand that you are concerned about Diva, I am too but standing here doing nothing won't make things better we need to tackle this head-on"

Tom looked hopeful at the thought of getting to connect his fists with their jaw but then realised something "we have no proof that he sold her the blender, we could ask Diva but we need something more solid than just her word" Tom started thinking of ways to incriminate Redd but Danny already had that covered.

"Well Tom, today is your lucky day because on my phone I have a recording of Redd sel-" as Danny reached round to his back pocket to pull out her phone but what actually came out was a pack of playing cards. They started to frantically check every pocket but to no avail, their phone was missing.

"Oh for FUCK SAKE!" they yelled, throwing the pack of cards at the ground, causing them to go everywhere. and upon closer inspection, they both realised it was full of jokers.

"That dickhead" Danny mumbled feeling even worse now

"Hey, it's okay, your contract came with a replacement" Tom reassuringly told them "but first we need to make sure that diva is okay''

Danny nodded and they both left the room. Once they came outside, nearly every resident was gathered there including Orville and Wilbur. Diva now sitting up-right to look at Danny and Tom

"How bad is it?" she croaked out

"like dropping your favourite eyeshadow pallet bad" Diva looked even more worried until Tom stated "but it's nothing that can't be fixed" she smiled as she turned her attention back to Isabelle who was giving her medicine.

while everyone was either disguising what happened or helping Isabelle. Danny's attention had focused on the sea for a while now "watch ya looking at buddy?" Orville asked, squinting at the horizon "hey, do you want my binoculars?" he handed her a pair of blue ones with the DAL logo on them

"thanks Orville" they said looking through them intensely "hey is that...a message in a bottle? but it's blue, not orange" it clicked in Danny's brain what it was, they trusted binoculars into Orville's chest and took off in a sprint to the beach "HEY! where are you going!?" Danny didn't hear him, they just threw off their jacket and kept running into the ocean.

They eventually came back to the crowd of people whose focus was now on them.

"Why on earth would you run straight into the ocean! that bottle would have washed up in an hour or so?" Orville said sound concerned looking at danny who was now soaked head to toe

"this is something that I could not wait an hour for" they held up the jar to see a Nookphone inside Tom's eyes lit up as they opened the jar and took the phone out "well? is it there?" Tom excitedly asked. when Danny looked at their photos their faces fell. They held up the phone so Tom could see. It was a black screen with white text which read "Nice try" Tom looked equally defeated.

After that, people spent the rest of the afternoon helping Diva by finding supplies to fix her home and replace anything that was broken. except for a mixer.

"Well I'm afraid it won't be finished by today, however, Flurry has agreed to let you stay with her for this evening" Flurry went over and helped her up and started to walk with her to her house "all the girls are there and were going to have a group sleepover!" as their voices faded, Diva sounded very excited.

Tom addressed the remaining villagers "Thank you very much for your hard work today, it's much appreciated and it's good to see you working as a community" the residents responded with a mix of "it was nothing" and "happy to help" before dispersing back to their homes. Then it was just Danny, Isabelle and Tom.

Danny, feeling the awkwardness of the atmosphere, decided to give them a few minutes while they dried off and head over to resident services.

it was a while before either of them said anything

"I'm sorry for calling you a pushover"

"I'm sorry for saying you're rude and stubborn"

they realised that they both apologised at the same time, causing them to giggle before they embraced into a hug "god what are we like" Tom murmured as they pulled away and smiled at Isabel, both happy that they finally made up.

They eventually made their way back to resident services. Once they arrived back they found Danny sitting in a dressing gown, scrolling their phone. "Ah dandelion you're still here, good we need to have a meeting" Tom and Isabell both sat at their chairs behind the counter and sat on the other side.

"What happened today was really bad for a number of reasons. First of all, an islander got hurt which can affect the island rating greatly. secondly, a lot of her property was damaged rather badly, which is going to cost us quite a bit, and finally, we had proof that it was sold to her broken and lost that too."

Danny nodded at the loss of very incriminating evidence.

"Wait what proof? what happened?" Isabel questioned

Danny then explained what they had seen on Redd's boat then filming it, confronting Redd about him leaving the island, Redd getting extremely close to Danny then running back to Divas house just in time for the explosion. only to discover later that their phone was floating in the ocean with the video missing.

Isabelle looked shocked and Tom looked rather calm, which was new "I think the best thing to do is leave Redd alone, we've learned that he is smart, too smart for his own good. and if we aggravate him more then he pranks might get even more explosive. as long as we keep an eye out for anything wrong, we should be okay"

Danny and Isabelle both nodded in agreement

"And what do we do if he does something even worse than what he did to poor Diva" Isabelle asked "then you leave that to me" Tom said sounding extremely sinister. After a few more generic island related discussions Isabelle and Danny made their way back home and tom went upstairs to the flat above resident services where he and his two nephews lived.

Meanwhile, in a rickety boat on the other side of the island,

Redd was seated in his boat surrounded by lots of different paintings, equipment and canvases. However, he was paying more attention to his phone than his art. While he did delete that video Danny took he also took the time to transfer some other photos onto his ReddPhone.

There were only 4 photos, and they were all of Tom. 3 of them were mugshots of Tom losing his marbles on multiple occasions but one photo was a proper picture. He was standing outside that big building in the middle of the island smiling like the world had done him no wrong.

He looked so happy.

"one day, you'll smile at me like that," Redd said, smiling and putting his phone down so he could continue with his work late into the night.

YAAAAAAY we made it to part 5! and were nearly at 100 Reads! This is super exciting! I'm glad people are enjoying the story!

See ya in the next one!


We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now