part 12 - shattered

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"Uncle Nook! Where are you?"

That's all it took

One little line

Tom felt a mirror shatter in his mind and his cloud nine had come crashing down in Red's boat. He realised what had happened

What he did

He felt everything inside of him fall to his feet, his world was spinning out of control and nothing was slowing down. All he could do was run.

Run out of the boat

Run through the island

Run to the resident service

Run into his flat

Run into his bathroom

Suddenly he was left with nowhere else to go he felt trapped I'm his own home, the tiled walls around him, closing in, looking, judging, whispering, knowing, yelling, suffocating he couldn't breath,

"Mr Nook? Are you in there"

Isabell, it was just isabell

There was a soft knock at the door

"Mr n- Tom, are you alright?"

A sentence was templated in his head but his mouth was refusing to cooperate, there was a shuffling of feet and the door opened and someone walked in, but the steps were too heavy to be isabell


It was Danny

Danny had noticed a shadow hiding behind the partly closed shower curtain and did the only thing they could think of

Sit and listen

Before Tom had fully registered what was happening Danny had sat himself at the other end of the bathtub to Tom.

and suddenly Danny was face to face with the most well organised man they knew, crumbling into a million tiny pieces at the mere sight of the world around them.

"Dandelion i-"

"After this point I will not speak until you need me to, if at all. but whatever you tell me now, I will not judge you, I'm here to listen. And never call me Dandelion unless it's absolutely necessary"

It took Tom a few minutes to calm his breathing but once he opened his mouth he didn't stop.

He told them everything

And at some points he started to cry, but he didn't stop he babbled on through the tears, and Danny took in every word.

And once he was done he took a deep breath and looked the person looking back at them for some kind of tell to what they were thinking, but Danny had his poker face down to a fine art

'So, do you feel better?"

After another shaky breath he realised he did feel quite a bit better, his mind less weighted

"Yes, thank you for listening"

Danny simply shrugged and smiled "it's part of the job, helping people, listened to em'"

Nook nodded, remembering the day that he gave Danny the job of island representative

"Now before we move on there are a few things we need to do and lucky I came prepared" Danny says reaching into the pockets of his trousers and producing some tissues and handing them to Tom, who used them to dry his eyes and blow his nose

Then Danny produced a small circular dish divided into sections of different "skin shades" where as the others were colours such as pale greens and deep orange

We meet again some sunny day [Tom Nook X Redd}Where stories live. Discover now