Fox Hollow Gazette

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Fox Hollow Gazette

Inside the newsroom of the Fox Hollow Gazette, a journalist rose from his desk. His colleagues were all busy on the phone or typing away, but he was on his way to see the editor.

"Hey chief," He said, knocking on the door. "I just got a tip from an anonymous source that Mr. Rossini senior was stabbed and is in the hospital recovering now. Source says it was another attempt at the rose killings, but went south. Mr. Rossini got a good look at the assailant and get this. It's Vivanne Cordova."

The editor sat up in his chair. "Holy smokes. How much of it do we know is true?" He asked.

"I just spoke to a buddy of mine at the hospital and sure enough, he's been stabbed. Even has a guard outside his room."

"Ok, here's what we're going to do. Run the story about Mr. Rossini getting stabbed and then mention the part about Ms. Cordova as the 'alleged' killer. That way we tell the story and cover out butts. I like it. Good work." The editor said.

"Got it chief." The journalist responded, tapping the notebook in his hands as he headed out.

"And I want that story by end of day." The editor called out, picking up the phone.

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