Chapter I: A Brand New Day

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  In a bar somewhere in the middle of a desert is a figure in military uniform watching the local news on TV. He's focused on a man who is about to speak. He listens intently. As the man approaches the podium. The whole room watches. He begins to speak.

  "100 years, that's how long it took us to get back here. Finally free of that witch. Not too many people know how she was able to live that long without aging, but she is gone for good I assure you. I was a part of that war towards the end. Of course I haven't seen the worst of it, but I've seen my share of horrors power can do to a human being. My knowledge was used to keep good and innocent people down for far too long. I was asked to take my knowledge, my resources and use it for good to help people. Id argue that's exactly what me and this company is doing now. Transportation, communication, entertainment and farming have been possible again through the technology this company has given the people of this new world. That was only the first step. Ladies and gentlemen. Here is my next one."

  The figure in military uniform's eyes widen as he sees "the next step" appear on the tv screen. 10 trails of fumes shoot up in the sky and land in front of the public speaker. Standing by the prominent figure who has everyone's attention are 10 robotic figures. Circular bodies with arms and legs that resemble pool noodles, they are short in stature about 5 feet. Their faces which is their whole body resemble the smiley face symbol. Numbers 1 through 10 marked on their back. The prominent figure begins to speaks again.

"These are my aiutu bots. Aiutu is Italian. It means help, or aid and that is precisely what they'll do for us. As humans we have a limit to our physical capabilities. To push beyond those limits we can train our bodies to obtain a higher level of physical perfection. But even in our greatest shape there are still things we cannot prevent. Firefighters for instance deal in situations that require them to run into the fire and search for people trapped in that fire. Moments may occur where the firefighter might be trapped. They'll run out of oxygen or maybe miss saving that 1 extra person. With my aiutu bot those situations and similar ones drastically decrease when they are involved. My goal with these robots are to save lives and ensure safety for others. Each robot is given a mission before they head out. They're equipped with lasers in their eyes in case stone or metal needs to be cut and have a jet pack attached to their back that can fly faster than any plane or train I have built. The material their body is made out of is made from the rarest material on earth. Where can you find it? I made it of course. Harder, but also lighter than any other metal in the world. Over time I believe these aiutu will prove to be valuable assets to this world. Personally Id think since it involves saving lives these aiutu will be the most valuable and important project I've ever completed."

Before the speaker can continue A reporter yells a question in the room. "Mr. Caine will you be supplying the military with new weapons as well?"

Mr. Caine's facial expression turns serious before he answers. Then he says,

"No I will not."

The room gasps. More questions are blurted out even rooms like the bar earlier are erupting. Mr. Caine then explains why he's made his decision.

"As I said before I'll work under no one. Governments hardly have the best interest for its people. I've supplied the best training equipment for the department of defense that they could get anywhere. We've been at peace for years now. I refuse to give anyone some form of trigger they could point at whoever they want and pull whenever they feel. The department of defense has soldiers who are capable of protecting us without weapons made by me. I believe Im not needed."

Another reporter interrupts Mr. Caine, "Will you give these robots to soldiers then?" Caine replies instantly, "I would gladly give as much aiutus to the military that they'd need, but if I do so there'd be a chance of this technology being stolen in battle. They are not meant to be weapons and I will never build one. As long as the department of defense can agree that my aiutu's will be used for the medic team and search and rescue for survivors. I will agree to to give them a squad of these robots, but it looks like they won't. So I will be working with them. Not just giving it to them without my supervision. Pieces of my tech have already been stolen and other organizations are playing catch up with what I've made. As I said earlier. I refuse to give any trigger. Or blue print for that trigger to anyone who can point it at people for power. I've been under the thumb of one power hungry ruler once. I refuse to let that happen once again. Everything under my name moves on my terms only."

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