Chapter XIV pt.6 (arc2): King Of Cauchemar - Conclusion

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Amaro: You wanna know what's next? Here you go!

Amaro clenches his fist and it comes crashing down against Sigmond's face.


Another comes crashing!


Another punch from Amaro hits Sigmond drawing blood from his mouth.

He spits the blood out. Laughs and tells Amaro, "So this is what it feels like to taste the wrath of the golden dragon? I gotta say you truly live up to the hype! Hahaha haha!"

Amaro raises his fist to strike Sigmond once more until he feels his arm has been grabbed. It's Yafeu holding him back. Swiftly Amaro turns and tells the young Yafeu, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!"

Yafeu replies, "We'd need him sometime down the line."

Angrily Amaro replies, "For what!?"

Yafeu explains, "We don't fully know the capabilities of the virus within us. With this piece of crap being the creator of it. I just think it'd be better to keep him around in case something would happen to us sometime down the line."

Amaro turns his head to Yafeu's and tells him, "What?!... I'd shoot myself in the head if I started to slowly die or go crazy from what this monster put in me!!"

Yafeu answers Amaro by saying, "What about the ones who don't have that as an option? I probably don't, you and I know Bast doesn't." Amaro looks toward Bast she says, "D...Don't worry about me guys."

Amaro drops his fist and tells Bast, "No he's right. It's not just about you Bast. It's also about the others that have been injected. They deserve the right to try and live a normal life and need every source of information they can to try and obtain that."

Amaro looks to Yafeu and asks, "How will we get him to cooperate?" Yafeu tells Amaro, "I have a few ideas I can think of."

Out of nowhere, a loud gunshot is heard. Yafeu is shot behind the head. The bullet exits under his eye.

Everyone turns around and sees Sigmond holding a gun.

Bast and Amaro instantly rush toward Sigmond but his trigger finger is much quicker.

Sigmond lets off 5 more shots before he gets taken down by Bast and Amaro.

The bullets land on an enemy but NOT for its intended target. Nevin lunged in at the last second protecting the young Yafeu taking the 5 bullets to his back.

Horrified Yafeu looks up to his friend. Blood leaking out his mouth he laughs and tells Yafeu, "Hey kid you gotta watch your back..."

Yafeu hurries and commands the assistant droids to tend to his and Nevin's injuries.

Sigmond mocks his foes as he sees them bleed out, "Haha! My aim is off. If it wasn't for the blood dripping in my eyes I would've got you dead center in the brain. This gun right here looks pretty ordinary but it isn't."

Yafeu uses the machine virus coursing through his veins to heal him while also using the virus to stop the bleeding from Nevin.

Sigmond continues to taunt while everyone panics over Nevin.

"It can only shoot special bullets I crafted. You might get a kick from this Amaro. They're made of zhekumium, it's from your armor when we brought you in! Cough* I needed a deterrent in case one of you guys went rogue on me and this metal was perfect. You see what these bullets do is cancel out any regenerative cells in the targeted area by searing it shut. The metal evaporates the virus from the targeted area! Amazing right!? Cough* Haha what did your people believe zhekumium was again...? It was unbreakable scales from a dragon God that only your people knew how to craft into armor right? And you shouldn't craft this gift into weapons because that would be disrespectful to that dragon God? Hahaha! What a superstitious lot you guys were! Well look, I crafted a weapon from zhekumium. It wasn't easy. It took me a while to figure out but I molded the zhekumium from your helmet into 1,000 bullets. And look no deities are here to punish me! It might be blasphemous and a little impolite for me to gloat like this but the zhekumium gun was a success! Hahaha! Poor young Yafeu sorry I had to take your eye to see if this bad boy would work for me."

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