Chapter XIV pt.2 (arc2): King Of Cauchemar - Genesis

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  In Sarah's room. Bast and her sit comfortably. Surrounded by lit candles and a warm fire. Bast still leaning against the wall moves forward and asks,

"Okay, where was I at?"

Sarah: Bernard Sullivan was heading toward the empress's way and my brother was listening in on the conversation...

Bast: Ahh yes, the invasion.

Sarah: Invasion?

Bast: Yes, that's how one of the battles with the empress was perceived. You may have been storming in to defeat a murderous madwoman, but her place of rest also was called home to 6,000 abductees and orphans she picked up that only knew this place and empress Adria's embrace as home...Hmm now that I think about it. If this involves Amaro I could go back just a little further.

Bast walks toward a table in Sarah's room and pulls a chair out to sit in. She takes off her helmet. Long locks of raven black hair bounce from her helmet and her eyes gleamed a bright green in the candlelit room. Even Sarah is taken aback by seeing her brother's right-hand woman's beauty in view.

Slightly annoyed at her gawking Bast pulls a flask out of her bag. Takes a quick swig from it and burps.

She wipes her mouth and hands Sarah the flask telling her, "Want a swig? Your brother hates that I drink this stuff. I say what's there to be scared about? We always regenerate anyway. I put in a special request for this stuff to your buddy Richard and he delivered. If this isn't your thing I'm sorry. This job gets tough you know. And bringing up these old memories isn't exactly easy if you know what I mean."

Sarah grabs the flask and replies, "Yeah I get it. I'll partake." As Sarah takes her swig she thinks to herself, "Oh wow, for such a beautiful person she's ughhh pretty laid back. I thought she'd be uptight."

Bast: So where I left off...Let me rewind for a little bit and start from when your brother got here. So you can truly understand why his state of mind is what it is.

23 years ago in Cauchemar.

Sigmond: The new batch of soldiers have arrived your highness.

Adira: Good, they've gathered only the best as usual right?

Sigmond: Of course empress. They all come from successful families. These children come from the best military, combat, and scholarly backgrounds around the world! Are you planning on molding a new lieutenant?

Adira: Yes but think bigger with this batch Sigmond. A right hand for the ruler is needed.

Sigmond: I thought that was me your highness?

Adira: Sigmond, even you know a warrior usually has 2 hands...


Sarah: This was when my brother was brought in!?

Bast: Yes, I was still a child soldier under the empress. I still remember when I first saw him. He looked like he was made of nothing but meat and bones. He still was one of the best fighters living on this land.

(Cauchemar 23 years ago.)

An armored boat is docked on the shores of Cauchemar. Sigmond is out front with the empress to his side. "DROP THE DOORS!" Sigmond commands to the sailors. And as the doors drop. A young Yafeu is seen front and center ready to protect the other abducted children from anything that might potentially harm them.

A guard laughs as he sees the boy's defiant gesture in front of him. Another puts his hand on Yafeu's shoulder telling him to calm down. But the guard is flipped and slammed on his back before he could complete his sentence. A fight ensues resulting in 5 guards on the floor and Yafeu still standing with blood drawn from his nose and lip.

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