Chapter VIII: Ascension

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--2 months later--

Sarah is walking through a town. Spots a grocery store makes her purchases and leaves. She then rides a train to her destination. Looking outside the window she sees running rivers of water, animals running free and clear skies. She also sees lush greenery and flowers as far as her eyes can see. Further out of town the view changes. No running rivers just dirt and trials of smoke blocking out the view of the sky. No animals or people reside in this area and if they do it's either the scavengers or criminals with nowhere to go. Piles of rubble stand where small buildings and homes once stood. The train doesn't stop through this town. Why would it? What this was is a reminder. Every time this train would pass through this once bustling town. It would remind every passenger Elias had more work to do. Sarah stares outside the window thinking just that.

A half hour passes and the train enters another town. This one bustling with people. The train makes its stop and everyone heads out. Sarah looks to her phone for directions. She walks further in town asking people for directions to confirm if she's heading down the right path.

A little bit further in Sarah catches a ride deeper in town. Now the scenery has changed to a woodland area. There are many houses on hills. Kids can be seen playing with their pets. The car drives further out. The driver tells Sarah, "Don't know why you wanna see the guy. I haven't seen him out in months. The people that do see him only catch him going back inside his house. Don't blame him for feeling like that either. Damn shame what they did to his father. You know he saw his mother die also right?" Before the driver could continue his story Sarah interrupts him. She tells him, "This is my stop." The driver stops and tells Sarah her fair. She pays and steps out.

Sarah takes in the view. As she looks at the house in front of her. She thinks to herself, "This is definitely the biggest house I've seen here." And heads towards the house passing by a gate decorated with mementos. Some tied to the fence more placed on the floor. She types in a code for the gate to open up and goes in. A little closer look at the mementos reveal they are for Elias and from the townspeople who are also grieving at the loss of the fallen hero.

Sarah approaches the door. Knocks on it but no one comes. She unlocks the door and enters. The inside of the house is just as beautiful as outside. As she enters various sculptures can be seen on display. They all look like they're from different cultures around the globe. Sarah shouts, "MAX...MAX! ARE YOU HERE!?" No answer. Sarah walks in all the rooms around the house looking for Maxwell.

She's passed by a library, Gym area, laboratory even a theater room and hasn't seen Maxwell anywhere. Just when Sarah was thinking of leaving she hears noise from the floor below. Sarah heads towards the noise and opens the door. It looks like a wine cellar. She goes deeper into the room. Vodka, whiskey and other liquor bottles decorate the shelves of this room. Sarah picks up an empty bottle and looks at. Then she hears a door creek open and a voice speak to her. It says, "How'd you get inside?" Sarah turns around and it's Maxwell in a full beard reeking of alcohol. He says to her again, "How the hell did you get in?"

She says, "Victor gave me the code and keys." Max walks over to a corner chair and plops himself down and replies, "Ah makes sense. So what're you here for?"

Sarah: No one's seen you in 2 months Max. People were concerned about you. Victor hasn't had time to visit since he's been busy with Richard handling both of the companies.

Maxwell: Both companies? What about Sylvia?

Sarah: Max, Elias was Sylvia's father to! She hasn't been able to do the usual duties that come with running a trillion dollar company. Victor has been trying to get her out of her room but she doesn't wanna do anything but stay in her there. You asked me earlier what I'm here for. Well I'm here to get you to talk to your sister.

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