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  The crew is airborne with Supremeo leading the way. Sarah is gearing up while Kapurma is communicating with Supremeo through a communication link from Supremeo through the ship. Sylvia sits next to Kap to get answers from Supremeo's claims he made on the roof of Sylvia's building.

Kapurma: Supremeo, earlier when you said you know who killed Elias. How is this Amaro character involved?

Supremeo: He's one of the warlords...

Sylvia looks at Kapurma as Supremeo continues his answer to Kap's question.

Supremeo: It wasn't just him though. Julius also is still alive. He was responsible for the stab wounds... Amaro was the one who shot him.

  Sylvia shocked and what she just herd. They both continue to listen. Max in the same room catches wind of what Supremeo just said he says confused, "What, why? And how is that possible!?"

Supremeo: It seems like the decades of friendship between Julius and your father have been a ruse. He was a fanatic of the empress and is looking for a way to continue her vision of the world. It looks like Richard doesn't know a bit of this either.

Maxwell: This is insane. How do you know all of this?

Supremeo: Your father gave me his mind before he passed. Not only do I think like him. I know everything he knows. I even inherited his memories all the way till his death.

Max looks at Sylvia and asks, "Did you know this?"

Sylvia looks at her brother with fear of what he might say, but she says it anyway.

Sylvia: Yes...


A familiar tone of voice stops Max from his outburst.

Supremeo: ENOUGH! Sylvia didn't know if the tech would work the way it was intended when your father decided to copy his mind. And if it did, it would've been hard for anyone to turn the switch on in my chamber with the way he died. Getting shot in the head only stopped the process of copying his mind onto me. What if the chip was damaged because of the gunshot? What if during your father's dying breathe I woke up with no normal function's because of the gunshot wound to his head? Your anger isn't directed at your sister Maxwell. It's to the ones who put us all here. STAY FOCUSED.

Max remembers his mother and fathers training and lessons. Every time he was frustrated, every slip in training, wrong answer. His father would always tell him, "Stay focused". Max tells Supremeo, "You're right..." Looks over to Sylvia then tells her sorry. She tells her brother, "It's alright." Then he continues to suit up.

Kapurma: Where are we heading?

Supremeo: The eastern part of the globe Kap. During Elias's last minutes he saw a warship of the same design Barney and Elias came up with 20 years ago. It was scrapped when Elias said the ship wasn't necessary for the new world they're trying to build. Elias deduced that since Julius is the second best manufacturer of weapons with multiple factories around the globe. He'll be hiding the ship at one of those places. And I've found the ship by accessing satellite feeds through my panoptes lenses. It looks like while you guys were in Edenn prepping for the enemy Julius was prepping for this 20 years ago.

The comms get quiet as the reality of their situation hits Sylvia like a bag of bricks. Shes thinking, "It just wasn't enough." Echos of her thoughts saying, "This is too big of a problem for me to handle," ring in her head as well. Almost as if she was benumbed to the world around her shes brought back when Kapurma grabs a holds her forearm and tells her, "Don't worry we will bring Elias justice. We're not going in this fight alone. I can sense the determination in Supremeo. He'll have us backing him up. Not sure if he'll need it though. He was made through the ingenuity of you and your father."

Sylvia's concern is eased by Kapurmas words she tells him, "thanks you." And offers Kap some Ice Cream once the handle their business with Julius and Amaro.

A few hours pass and a deserted island is seen. Supremeo lands on it and commands the crew to follow. As they hit the island Max asks Supremeo, "Why are we landing here? The next Edson factory is two hours in that direction?" Supremeo tells Maxwell and the rest of the crew.

"We don't need to be at the building, if we show up in a different country guns blazing they might get the wrong idea. What we need is the ship!..And it's been making this route every day for the last year!"

Sarah: Okay that's good to know, but when we do see the ship there's only 5 of us. I recall you saying that this was a war ship?! Our side isn't actually prepared for war.

Supremeo: Trust me. We'll be more than enough...

Supremeo tells Sarah and the crew the entire plan and to wait for his cue. The sun begins to set Supremeo glances towards Sarah and the rest of the crew. They board their airship Supremeo smiles towards them and nods. The aircraft lifts off flying off to a specific distance Supremeo ordered.

Maxwell talks to his sister and asks how sure of this plan she is.

Maxwell: Hey you think leaving Supremeo on that island alone was a great idea? Dad had his aiutu's inekium armor stolen from them. Supremeo is supposed to be worth 10 of these aiutu right? What if...

Sylvia: You're missing a zero. It's actually 100. Dad said this creation would be worth 100 aiutu. We're gonna be against an enemy we don't know though. That's the only tricky part.

Maxwell: But with dads mind and those Panoptes lenses it seems like he knows a lot about them.

Back at the island

Supremeo thinks to himself, "They're nearby! It's almost time."

Back on the ship.

Maxwell: He said to wait for his cue and well know what it is. It's starting to get freaking dark. What's he gonna do light a flare?

Back on the island.

Supremeo takes an offensive stance. And looks to the skies. The moonlight begins to reflect off the waters as the sun sets. Supremeo continues to look to the skies the clouds begin to appear differently as time passes. Almost as if they were waving from the sky Supremeo smirks and thinks to himself, "They're here!" What Supremeo was seeing was the cloaking tech in action. The reflective panels for the tech just turn to mirrors once turned on. Even without the use of the panoptes lenses Supremeo knew what the abnormality was in the sky.

Supremeo opens his palms. Two purple jewel like objects are at the center. They begin to glow. Two fireballs have formed at the top of his palms. Supremeo Balls his hands into fists with the fireballs, now both of his hands are covered in flames. He aims then to the sky. Metal tiles begin to slide out of his wrist. They spread around his balled up fists forming cannons.

Supremeo: Pretty cool that I get to finally test this out. 3 levels of attacking. Your basic fire ball, the inekium Star flamed fist. And the most powerful of my inekium fisted attacks. The star cannon, this shoots beams of light that burns hotter than the sun or star in the galaxy. Concentrated into a steady beam it can cut through almost anything like butter...First battle and I'm gonna start off with a helluva bang!

Back on the ship.

Maxwell: I'm just saying. Strategy can't be all we have. We need firepower! This is supposed to be a freaking warship! I ju...

Sarah: Uhh Max look out the window. Is that enough firepower for you!?

Maxwell turns around and looks out the ship window to see two streams of light breaking through the warship designed by his father. The invisibility tech flickers until Supremeo's arms shoot out of its sockets like two rockets. With the beams of star light and heat still pointed towards the ship, it gets cut in half. The pieces crash down onto the island and in the ocean. As the pieces crash down none other than Amaro Midas is seen. His boots allow him to fly to the roof of the ship. Amaro sees Supremeo off in the distance. He smiles and tells himself, "Well what do we have here?..."

Back on the ship.

Sylvia: I believe that's the cue.

Maxwell: LET'S GO!

Diwata: Were heading towards them now!

Sarah: I'm ready!

Kapurma: No turning back!

SUPREMEO Vol.I: Trials Of The Machine KingWhere stories live. Discover now