Chapter XIII pt.2 (arc.2): Pain

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The aircraft descends to the Cauchemar floor. Kapurma and Supremeo tells the crew they'll be staying in the ship while they entertain the king.

Diwata: What? Why?

Supremeo: No telling how the citizens here would deal with other metal life forms being made outside their boarders. Whether they be robot, cyborg, android, and battle droid whatever. Most of the citizens here felt the world dumped them here when they didn't need them anymore. And I don't blame them. The entire robot population is down here. Don't worry I won't be doing nothing while I'm in the ship. I'll be scanning the island for Amaro's whereabouts with my panoptes lenses. Flying over these lands or docking is forbidden unless you have an invite by a high ranking official from the king's office. We gotta find out who's given Amaro his invite.

Kapurma: And me, well I'd hate to draw attention for being a talking tortoise and Supremeo could use the company.

Sylvia: I'll be staying to Kap. The fuel tanks and force field tech needs some tinkering on this ship so you'll have extra company.

Kapurma: Oh that's great!

Diwata nods in agreement with the plan. A loud *Thoom* then follows. The ship has landed.

As the doors open our crew is greeted by a platoon of what Richard would call royal droids with their leader Bast in the middle. "She is a part of the 4% human population here", Whispered Richard.

Before he could continue. The leader speaks.

Bast: Our esteemed gusts have arrived. Greetings! I hope the ride here wasn't too troublesome.

Richard replies, "Thank you. The ride here was fine. Nice to finally meet you all. Not that it's a problem but the platoon of droids, is all that really necessary?"

Bast: A very necessary procedure I assure you. Some citizens here tend to get a little too feisty when they see new guests. These soldiers behind me will serve as reminders that you are guests of our King and are not to be harmed.

Zachary: Hell yeah! Don't mess with us!

Sarah: whispers* Zach. Shhh!

Richard looking to Bast nods and tells her, "Okay general lead the way."

Bast points to a Colosseum type structure in the distance. It's on a large hill that peeks over the lot their ship landed in.

Bast: We will be heading there.

Shocked Richard asks, "What? Not the castle?"

Bast: No the entertainment always happens outside of the castle. Will that be a problem?

Richard tells the general, "no not at all" as he looks at Bast. Her armor looks as if it's made of solid gold. Her helmet is in the shape of a panther. The platoon of droids add to the intimidating aura that surrounds Richard and his friends. Richard thinks to himself, "dad what have you got me into."

Everyone heads out to the Colosseum. The royal droids accompany our crew in a strategic manner. They are guarded from every angle. Bast continue to guide the crew and assures them they wouldn't have to walk all the way there.

Zachary: Thank Gawd!!

Richard: Zach you're a pretty tough guy. But when it comes to walking that's something you absolutely hate.

Zachary: Yeah it is! I'd rather be dropped right into the fight. You know what Im saying?!

Bast turns around with a look of confusion towards Zach and Richard's conversation and they both realize that. So Richard "corrects" himself. Nervous that she'll find out they're more than just "the performers" Richard speaks.

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