Chapter V: The Plan

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Clear out of the forest of trees Elias and crew follow Kapurma to his home.

Kapurma: Victor I'd like to thank you for honoring my request of not killing anything that becomes hostile towards you here.

Zachary: And I'd like to thank you for helping us out Kapurma sir! I was just about to break the no killing rule to protect our group. I wouldn't want the world's richest and beloved woman to potentially break or hurt anything.

*Zachary Reaches out and holds Sylvia's hands and tells her*. Seriously thank you for...

Richard comes between them.

Richard: Hey man were together!

Sylvia: No its okay babe.

Zachary: Oh I just wanted to tell her thank you for what she's done for us all these years! I love my Boku player and Caine tech living room. Kinda creepy though. Makes me think you guys might be watching us.

*Zachary makes his eyebrows move up and down towards Sylvia.*

Before Richard can get a word Victor bursts through both of them and answers Kapurma.

Victor: * Shaking his head* No problem Kap. It's like what you said, all they were doing was trying to survive by trying to find something to eat. I remember the time a war broke out between the razhdarchidae and the base, because a villager killed one of its kids. Those razhdarchidae were intense though. What's been going on with them?

Kapurma: The king has been taking out his competition left & right by eating their food sources. Even eating their enemy's leaders. All to teach his kids his version of ruling.

Victor: Sounds like you have a tyrant you're dealing with.

Kapurma: Yes and 4 future ones. Maybe even a future war if they listen to their father. Dealing with them in the future could be trouble in my age. Enough about me. Tell me why you and Elias have made a visit. I know it wasn't just to say hi to an old tortoise?..

Elias steps in and talks, "Yes we did come to say hi. And use the lab here. There was an attempted robbery and we want to find out who it could have been."

Kapurma: People have been trying to take your inventions for years but you've never sought for assistance. What makes this attempted robbery different from all the others?

Elias: This guy knew exactly where to look. And knew exactly what to take.

A screen is then projected from Elias's watch after he touches his ear piece. Elias points to the screen showing Kapurma the footage of the man in armor stealing his inventions.

Elias: See, he knew exactly where he wanted to go. He didn't go to the building where we keep tech we plan on mass producing. This is where we keep tech that could be thought of as too dangerous for the time or ones that can be manipulated. And made dangerous. There's also blueprints explaining how to use all of these items.

Kapurma: Sounds like this thief business could be serious.

Sarah: What were the items he took?

Sylvia: That's the thing it was all S grade tech. S meaning special. There were only 20 S rank cases we kept and he took a select few

Elias: The S+ prototype was taken to. Only Sylvia and I know exactly what it does.

Sylvia: Things are starting to change. Most robberies we've dealt with were caught before the event would even happen. Now this breaking into the safe room and taking all those S grade cases thing is getting scarily closer and closer to us.

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