Chapter XXII (arc2): Promises

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He put the bombs in their head...

Sylvia slowly replies, "Richard, that's got nothing to do with you... There's no need to apologize for that."

He replies telling his bride to be, "Hopefully the memories of the Edson name won't all be bad after this..."

Richard continues to say, "Outside of my dad, Elias was one of my heroes. You know this Sylv...The speech where he talks about Making selfless progress for the world instead of selfish progress really tugged at my heartstrings...So to help the world progress selflessly I joined the armed forces as a pilot after failing at becoming a soldier on the field...When I was in those airships, tanks, and planes I felt like I was continuing that selfless legacy my father and your father did to help stop the war. It was great helping people in my own way...Then I met your father. Meeting my hero changed my life in more ways than one...Because I also met you that day...As we got to know each other I fell madly in love with you...I didn't know it back then but now I do...When I was selflessly throwing my body through battlefields saving innocent lives and looking for survivors. I was making their world a little better giving them a ray of light for a brighter tomorrow. I realized protecting the world means protecting the ones you love. That's where that selflessness comes from...ha... wow...that's probably the reason why I'm where I'm at right now...I'm saying all this because I don't think I'm going to make it when you get here. So Sylvia, from a guy who tried to live his life selflessly I'm going to ask a selfish thing from you...please turn on your vid com so I can see your beautiful face one last time. I don't look as good as I used to right now so I'll keep my end off..."

Sylvia replies, "Okay..."

The video communication turns on and Sylvia pops up on the screen just as he asked for. Richard's pupils expand as he sees his fiancée for what will be his last time. He keeps his end off so Sylvia would not see the bloody state he's in.

The piolet smiles at the vision of his bride to be before him and tells Sylvia, "You were always a pretty crier." Sylvia laughs and says through her tears, "You always say that when you'd see me watch my shows." Richard replies with a smile, "I didn't know what else to say." They both laugh through their tears. Richard looks above him and sees himself surrounded by friends and loved ones. Their faces filled with sadness some with their fists clenched in anger.

Richard smiles and then tells his fiancée, "I guess I will be leaving the Edson name with some good memories After all..." He looks to Maxwell and says, "Hey stupid of me to do that right? I know, I know..." Max struggles to hold his tears back and tells Richard, "Hey man. It was stupid...but it was also the bravest thing you could've done..." Then Richard raises his hand and motions for Max to lean in closer. Richard tells Maxwell, "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but I'm giving the entire company my dad built to your sister..." Sarah and Max's eyes widen in shock as they hear this. Richard adds on to the news saying, "I was hoping this gesture can make up for the lost time in repairing this world...she's gonna need your help to Max. A great soldier and you've always been that, cannot be beaten with a great engineer by their side. The example of that is everywhere."

Maxwell now with tears running down his face says to Richard, "I hear you Rich...I'll do that..." Richard motions for Maxwell to lean in closer. As he does this. Richard tells Max a final piece of information that changes the emotion he's currently showing. He looks to Richard and simply nods.

Richard looks toward Sylvia's way and now sees his fiancée who's an emotional wreck. His voice begins to weaken. Max notices this and then puts the phone closer to Richard's mouth for Sylvia to hear. He tells her, "I'll always love you, Sylvia..." Through her tears she says, "I'll always love you too..."

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