Chapter II: The Man In Armor

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Elias turning back inside the building he came out of. To dodge the rest of the questions from the press. He's met by a young woman who is professionally dressed. She yells at Elias to get his attention. "DAD! OVER HERE!" Elias turns around and smiles when he sees who is demanding his attention. "Sylvia! What are you doing down here? Having trouble with the business?" With her face a little annoyed Sylvia playfully hits her father then answers, "No way! You tell us you're going to unveil the best invention you've ever made and I figured I'd have to check the unveiling out myself and in person. I gotta say dad. You didn't disappointed those 8 years since you stepped down and handed the company to me. You've basically built superheroes for the world."

With a look of admiration in his eyes and pride. Elias smiles then tells his daughter,

"Well you didn't disappoint either since I handed you the company 8 years ago to work on the aiutu's. Our name has been in good hands ever since. Thank you for coming out. Did you bring your brother?"

Just before Sylvia could answer a large explosion is herd from above. Ready to spring into action Sylvia signals where the sound of the explosion is coming from.

"Dad that sounds like it came from upstairs!"

Elias replies, "I can tell since I see everyone running down here."

While everyone runs away from the chaos Elias, Sylvia and a handful of building security run towards it. They finally reach the explosions source. Sylvia tells security.

"This is where we store all prototypes and blueprints of our tech!"

Concerned about her and her father's life work being stolen Sylvia rushes inside to check on the potential damage that might've been done. To her shock she sees tore down walls that's used to carry safes of tech worked on by the Caine father and daughter team, and two armored figures 1 just seems to be a cargo bot used for transferring important equipment. The other is human because she can hear him talking to himself while he pillages the Caine family's technology. The armored foe notices Sylvia through his peripherals. He tries to speak to her. Before he can utter more than 1 word Elias barges in and screams


As she ducks to the floor the sound of wind crackling erupts as the aiutu robots soar in. Elias yelling at security, "All of you get to safety!" All of the aiutus eyes burning with lasers aiming for the armored villain who broke in. He raises his hands and activates a force field through his gauntlet. The beams seem to be not powerful enough to break through. Elias strategizes for a moment then in a Risky move he tells his aiutu's to break formation, "5 to the armored thief. 5 of you stay to the one holding cargo." Elias continues to bark orders, "Concentrate on his gauntlets. Burn a hole through the force field & break his armor! You other aiutus retrieve the cargo before we lose it. It hasn't moved yet. Im assuming this piece of machinery operates on orders. So you other 5 keep the thief busy."

The thief in armor concentrating on not getting caught makes a decision. He lets out a demanding scream towards the cargo robot and says,


Just like that the 4 legged cargo robot hops up and with unexplainable speed jumps out of the blown out wall and behind the crowd of people still outside from the conference earlier. And the Cargo bot started to scale the buildings. Anger in his face, Elias tells the aiutu,

"Follow the cargo robot!"

Elias taps onto an earpiece he's wearing twice and a visor pops up on his left eye to see visual from aiutu robot #2. The cargo robot is still in sight and begins to climb buildings but with speed so quick Elias hesitates to command action in fear he might potentially damage the buildings and set off a domino effect that would harm civilians. He thinks to himself "Did he mean to do that?" Through the earpiece he tells his aiutu,

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