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"A cat cafe! That's where we could find Naomi!" Hana exclaimed. "How do I know? One, because I'm smart. Two, because I know Naomi really well."

"Only the second reason makes sense," Deidara commented. "You're not smart."

"What?!" Hana screeched.

"If you guys keep fighting, we'll never get anything done," Konan remarked.

"Okay then. Please get Deidara and Hidan out of my life," Hana joked. Everyone just looked at her. "Bleh, I guess I'm not funny."

"Yeah, you're not funny." Hidan glared at her. Deidara did the same.

"That doesn't matter. I'm going to the cafe!" Hana exclaimed and marched off.

"Should we follow her?" Sasori asked.

"Nah," Deidara replied. But they ended up following her anyway.


A waitress walked by. "May I take your orders, please?" she asked.

Naomi looked up from her book. "One black coffee, please. Thank you." She started reading again.

"One black coffee," the waitress repeated, writing it down. "What about you?" She looked at Itachi.

"Um, one stick of hanami dango and some tea, please."

"Hanami dango and tea," the waitress said. "Is that it?" Naomi and Itachi nodded and the waitress walked away. Naomi took out her book and started reading again.

"Naomi?" Itachi asks.

Naomi looked up from her book. "Yes, Uchiha-san."

"Can I pet a cat?"

"Yes," Naomi replied. "Also, do you want me to call you Itachi instead of Uchiha-san?" Itachi nodded happily. "Okay, Itachi-san."

Itachi sighed and walked over to the cats. There were many different cats so he just pet them all.


After petting all of the cats, Itachi walked back to the table boredly. When Naomi was reading, everything would go silent and turn boring.

Suddenly, the door opened and Shinso came speedwalking in. He stopped when he saw Naomi and Itachi and got a chair. He walked over to the table.

"Is it okay if I sit over here?" he asked. Naomi looked up from her book and nodded. Itachi did not. "Hey, Naomi."

"Hello, Hitoshi," Naomi greeted.

"Hey, Itachi," Shinso greeted.

Itachi looked at Shinso. "Hi."

"What might you be doing here?" Naomi asked and smiled.

Shinso sighed and shook his head. "Triple X's after me again."

"And you decide to hide in a cat cafe?" Naomi asked. "You're not a cat."

"Meow, b*tch."

"Did you just call me a b*tch?" Naomi laughed. Itachi just sat there awkwardly. Naomi smiled but it soon flipped over when the door flew open.

"There you are Shinso!" Triple X exclaimed, and dashed towards him. She turned to Itachi. "Oh! You're here too!" She fluttered her eyes. Itachi stared at her awkwardly. But Shinso just ignored her.

"I have a feeling Triple X is going to shove me into my coffee," Naomi thought before being shoved into her coffee by you-know-who.

"Didn't think I'd see you here!" Triple X snapped.

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