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"Obito," Naomi decided. Obito's eyes cheered but the rest of his face stayed the same just to not make anyone upset. Anyone as in Hana.

"Tobi," Hana said.

"It's Obito now. Also, I picked him already."

Hana harrumphed. "Okay, fine. Mmm... Kisame? I don't know."


"Hey! I wanted Konan. Fine. Kakuzu."


"Oh yeah, Pein. Fine. Hidan."

"Didn't you say you wouldn't pick him?"

"Eh, then I could yell at him if he did something bad."


Deidara stood alone in the line. "Why am I picked last?" he complained.

"You'll explode the ball," Naomi told him.

"Cuz I hate you."


"Yay!" Hana exclaimed. "I'm going to turn into an octopus and use my byakugan and collect chakra in my hands and defeat all of you!" She cackled loudly.

Naomi sighed. She had to admit, that would be a big advantage for Hana's team. But then, Hana's team had no sharingan users while Naomi's had three. And to be honest, that wasn't very fair. But Hana decided to pick Sasori over Obito which was really dumb too.

"How about we do two matches? The first one, we can't use any powers. That means, no jutsus, dojutsus..." Naomi listed.

"Okay, so no anything?" Hana interrupted.

"Yeah... I guess." Everyone nodded. "The second one, we can use our full power." Naomi looked at Hana. "I mean, not your full power. That could destroy this beach." Naomi sighed.

She had once seen Hana get extremely angry and go into her rage mode. It was horrifying. But it wasn't even her full rage mode. Good thing, Hana doesn't know how to turn it on. It just comes out when she's extremely angry.

"Like, extremely-extremely. Hana only went into rage mode twice in her twenty three years of living."

"Yes, because I designed it like that."

"Can you please leave?"

N and B grew quiet but everyone had a feeling that they were still there.

"Anyways, let's start!" Hana hollered. She held the ball, ready to serve.

"Okay..." everyone muttered glumly.

Hana glared at everyone. "We'll start when you guys get excited."

"Okay!" Deidara screamed in Hana's ear.

"Good! We can start now!" Hana exclaimed as she served the ball.


"Woo hoo! 25 to 19, losers!" Hana exclaimed, after the first game finished.

"Sorry..." Itachi apologized.

"Hey, at least it isn't that big of a difference, right?" Obito tried.

"Bleh!" Hana stuck out her tongue and pulled her eyebag.

"That's the worst interpretation of that I've ever heard," B interjected.

"Oh come on, it's not like you could do any better!" N countered.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!" Hana screeched.

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