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Naomi wrapped her pillow around her head. "Why do I feel so tired?" She stayed in that position for a while before hearing a knock on her door.

"Ugh," she grumbled and opened her dented door. Hana stood in front of her.

"Dinner," Hana said. "Make it green. Also, your bag of clothes is still there." She pointed to "Naomi's" bag of clothes.

"Hana, I don't feel so well." Hana looked at Naomi.

"What happened?" she asked.

"My head hurts and I'm really tired," Nami explained.

Hana gasped dramatically and then ran towards everyone. "DOES ANYONE HERE KNOW HOW TO MAKE FOOD?!" she asked frantically.

Everyone shook their heads, confused.

Hana dropped to the floor. "NOOO! We will starve forever!"

"Cough takeout cough."

"Hey shut up!" Hana shouted. "Okay, we're ordering pizza now." She held up a wallet.

"That is one of the only things Hana has that isn't green," Hidan commented.
"Cause it's not hers!" Kakuzu yelled. "It's mine!"

Hana opened the wallet. "Wow, you got a lot of money. Lemme take it." She snatched out the valuables and flung the wallet back at Kakuzu. "I don't need your stinky wallet anyway." Kakuzu held out his hands to catch it before it landed ten meters in front of him. "It looks as old as you."

Kakuzu grunted and picked up his wallet. "At least I look younger than you do."

"Ha! You wish," Hidan cackled.

"Hidan, you look older than Kakuzu," Deidara pointed out.

"You just say that 'cause you're jealous!"

"Actually, I agree with Deidara," Pein agreed.

"Me too," Kisame chimed.

"What does 'chimed' mean, Noogieman? Oi, Alexa. Oh wait, I destroyed it. Silly me."

"Ok, now go uweh," Hana said.

"But, seriously, what does 'chimed' mean?"

"All I want is you, yeah you~"


"Come on now hold me, hold me I'm your bunny~"

"Stop, Noogieman."



"Hey, no videos. And why'd you capitalize the 'n' in 'Noogieman?' See, you just did it again!"

"I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab. The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab."

"Noogieman please you're scaring me. AAAGH!!!"


Hana knocked on Naomi's door. "Knock, knock."



Naomi groaned. "What?" she asked in a raspy voice.

"You're supposed to say, 'who's there?'!" Hana screeched.

"Ugh. Who's there?"


"Hana, that's not helping!" Deidara scolded. A thup was heard and some muffled arguing leaked through the door. Another knock was heard.

"Hana, please not now." Naomi put her head deeper into her pillow.

"It's me, Itachi."

"Oh. Leave whatever you need outside, please."

"Naomi, we're worried about you. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Naomi responded. "Please stop talking, it makes my head hurt."

"Alright," Itachi concluded, sadness leaking through his voice.

"Why is this happening?" Naomi asked herself. She turned to one side of her pillow and sighed. A note slipped underneath her door. She trudged to the note to read it.

Dear Naomi,

I hope you feel better soon. Konan, Kisame, and I are making some soup for you. I hope you feel better! I We miss you.


Get better,


Naomi smiled and turned the note over to the other side.

naomi how do you use a microwave - the awesomest person in the world, hana

Naomi sighed. Suddenly, pain jolted through her body. She grabbed her head and screamed. Her vision blurred and she fell to the floor. She remembers vaguely seeing Itachi and Hana running in, along with a few others. Naomi struggled to keep her eyes open before succumbing to the pain.

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